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  • -(Staff Team: Individual Appreciation)-

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Andrewswj, Jun 3, 2016.


    Do the staff team deserve appreciation?

    1. Yes!

    2. No.

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    1. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Before we start, let me just say that this is my opinion, and I don't expect your opinions to be exactly like mine. And no, I am not post farming, rate abusing or rate farming. If you think I am doing so, you are free to report me.

      You are a really extraordinary server owner, and the thing about your job is you get lots of appreciation, yes, but the sad thing is you also get lots of hate. No one can be perfect, but you're always trying to find ways to help the server, even though you have other servers to run too.

      Are you a bunny, a human, or a workaholic? I haven't quite figured out what exactly you are. You load the bunnies into the server, never removing them off the spawn of Survival. Ever since bunnies were a thing in Minecraft, you just bombarded your cute little friends into Survival. Yes, Anthony Pepperoni, I've watched your 360 no scope headshot video, but sorry it technically isn't 360. Anyway, just look at you. You've always taken people's suggestions into account, and you're always seeking out new ways to improve not only the gaming experience people get out of this server, but also the forums experience. CypriotMerks was last seen viewing (suggestion) thread, a moment ago. Thanks a lot Cyp!

      Pile, from Mod to Forum Admin. Really amazing. From a soft patch of grass in a secluded park (did I remember it right?). You're very friendly, and I constantly see your messages on the Help section, clarifying doubts about basically anything. Although we don't talk much, but you're really important to the forums and making sure that the forums works fine. Look, the fact I'm typing this now and sending out this thread is just "PILE"!

      Coke is life, isn't it, Matt? Although you're a pretty new developer, WOW! I kind of looked at the conversation you had with another person about help with coding, and woah, I didn't understand a single thing! That must mean amazing things, right? That must mean either that I have no knowledge about coding or you're just plain amazing at it. When you feel down, remember that coke is always there.


      Tanner, I saw you running around Lobby the other day. You hardly log on, but still, I see you clarifying doubts on forums, even though you also have to juggle the work of Developer on your hands. It's a really tough job, but you still take things seriously and you put your best foot forward in whatever you do. You're very knowledgable about server issues, and you always work hard to fix broken items, broken economies, etc., on the server. Thank you!

      Friend, I'll be sad if you forgot about Andrew. I remember when you wrote a thread about you getting hacked and not being able to play. However, just a short while later, POOF goes the dark blue tag and comes the Builder tag. I'm glad you got this promotion!


      Dewster, I've heard your voice. I know I must have come across as a noob to you on Dubtrack on the first few hours when you wanted to TS and I needed to download it because I "didn't have TS". Ah, the fun we had on TS man. I always visioned you to just be "building, building, building", but I guess I forgot that Dewster has a life. :p Keep it up man, chill!


      Nimjam, I've seen your builds, and they are just AMAZING. I could not build that well! Although I've not really spent much time getting to know you, but the builds alone tell me you're such a careful and detailed person. Amazing work on the builds and hope to see more of you soon!


      Rythen, I've always seen you as a leader of the Build Team. You're like the Head Builder, a Leader, an organiser. I always have that impression that you're the one who gets builds going, but who knows? I love how you seek the community's opinion on builds sometimes, and they are just wonderful. So detailed, with such a striking theme, you really deserve that Builder tag! Amazing builds.

      You do so much for this server, and you really deserve that red nametag there. Finally happy to see that on your name! :) Ever so mature and friendly, you're just always there, silently giving comments or helping others out on an individual basis. I never really got to know you until you were a Moderator, but since then, I've been just enchanted by you. You never drag your feet over things, and I think everyone is looking forward to you in the red tag for quite some time.


      How am I supposed to start this? When I first actually talked to you, we had an argument. Sorry, @AthleticPsycho You may be slightly rude sometimes, but that's because you just like to be upfront and not beat around the bush. You're straightforward, telling the truth, and you aren't afraid of getting hated upon, because you always know how to deal with haters. It's something I really salute you for, because you're very interactive and social with normal players. Whenever I go around the Help or Discussion section, and people question the decisions made by staff members, or they are doubting the future of Mineverse, or even just asking a simple question, you're always there with that cool outstanding font and a short message, cutting straight to the chase, answering their queries. You're extremely knowledgable; a great Head Moderator for Mineverse.

      You're a very gentle and sweet person, and I still have your book that you signed for me on Survival! Thanks for the first impressions, man. That was a pretty fun time when Imp, you and Str just suddenly joined Survival as a batch and I just ran to get autographs xD Imp, I still have your book, Being A Builder. You're take things positively! Alex, thank you for moderating this server thus far!


      Kylo Ren. Star Wars. Everything star wars? BlackZone. Don't let your promo group (TADS and SSMH) down, BlackZone! :) You are experienced, and never get mad about random "HELP ME BLACKZONE" posts on your profile page. You're always there to resolve reports, solve problems, and solve problems again! Amazing work BlackZone, hope you'll stay up as a Moderator for much longer.
      Nice singing attempt!


      MissMisconceieved, cheetahswimmer, whatever. I've always seen you in Survival, and I remember when you weren't a Moderator. You were gentle, kind and just a very sweet player. I'm glad you were promoted. Like many other Moderators, you're extremely quiet, standing by the sidelines. However, that doesn't mean you don't do any work. You've put in a lot of time into this voluntary job, and your work is no worse or "less" than others. Keep up the good work!


      Clxrity, you see, I don't really have much knowledge about you, but I've always wanted to talk to you. You always seem so busy and so preoccupied with your duties and helping people out, which is what I really love about you. You're responsible, caring and honest. Perfect Moderator traits :p (kind of?) You've invested your time and energy into Mineverse, and you've dealt with toxic players, hackers, glitch-abusers, etc. Thanks for this "maintenance"!


      Grats on 1000 messages, Cotner! I never see you that active on forums (I know timezones exist :O) but I'm sure you're doing an amazing job, so keep it up! Nice profile picture too! You're very focused in whatever you do, and overall, you seem like a chill person. Hope that we can get to know each other better!


      Congrats to you and your promo group on 4 months! Exstatisfy, I always remember you as the person with the introduction "Ex-stat-is-fy". You're really active in-game, and you love small teasing and jokes, and you're just a really friendly guy! I see you not being afraid to express your opinions, and you're generally one to have fun, joke around. However, I know that you can be mature so you can get things done, and I really like that!


      Congrats to you and your promo group on 4 months! Flazer, when I first met you/heard about you, you were pretty much visioned to be this "one stuck-up and stubborn" person. However, you've changed, and you're such a role model to those who have made mistakes and feel like they can never get accepted back into the community. You are hardworking, and I do see you on forums, checking out threads and making sure things get done. I really love that about you, and hope to get to know you better!

      Aye, Smiley! I can't call you Ifonus, it's just so weird. I'm still used to the smiley and how your real life picture (a smiley face) was all over the internet. We just needed to search smiley up and we'd get your face reveal! Anyway, seriously speaking, you are really hardworking and you are always making sure the new members feel welcome in this community. Just like a smiley should be, you make people smile, you don't take offence to petty jokes, and really, Smiley, keep it up and thanks for your service!


      Janice, BlackZone's dying for you, you know that? Anyway, I know I didn't support you initially on your first few steps as a Moderator due to your lack of experience on the forums, and I thought that you were too lenient and too "generous", but I guess I was wrong after all. You are kind and always finding ways to understand people on a one-to-one basis. You are always looking out for people, and cheering them up.

      Do you remember the sloth song that you played on Dubtrack? Well, I certainly do. Jhow the sloth :D I always see that sloth picture on forums under "Staff Online", and you're very active on forums. I think you're pretty cool, and you don't feel a need to "always follow the trend".


      (Refer to "Developer")
      Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
    2. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      You're not afraid to make mistakes, and this can easily be shown by the fact that you attained the Moderator position for... around three times, I think? Pure dedication. You're just one big word, dedication. You put in so much time into this server! You're active both on forums and in-game, and you aren't afraid to take charge of things, even when it's really hard to handle, such as toxic players. Much appreciation.

      NoMoreSanity, when I first got to know you, I couldn't differentiate you and Exstatisfy. (OMG Andrew, how could you!) Hehe... Well, then afterwards I kept on thinking your name was NoMoreInsanity (OMG Andrew, how could you!). Anyway, enough about the jokes, you're a really awesome Moderator so far. You've been a great asset to this community and I always saw reports getting resolved by you. Furthermore, you were always willing to hear feedback, willing to learn, willing to use a bit of your time to help someone out. Thank you for your service!


      For a Panda to be a Bear and a Moderator? Impossible. But now it's become possible. I don't see much of you, but you're just like some other Moderators, silently helping by the side. Your work always gets little appreciation, and it's high time you get your fair share of "thank you". You've done an amazing job moderating, and way to go!


      paulainmo, I think your work is always done "undercover". No one really appreciates your work, mainly because we probably don't see you on forums much(timezones exist, I know). However, I do see you in-game sometimes and you're really not one to skip from gamemode to gamemode in less than 2 minutes just to "show you're there in gamemodes), but you're one to invest your time in a certain gamemode, and really just be there to make sure things are working fine. paulainmo, thank you for your service to the community!


      I've always wondered why your name is Payable. Am I payable or are you only payable? I don't even understand what I'm typing anymore. Payable, you're very mature, never afraid to voice your suggestions, feedback or opinions. You come across to me as a moderately lenient guy, but your maturity always overrules your generous heart. I really like that about a Moderator, especially you. Thank you for guiding this server to where it is now.

      You're no longer a Moderator, but all I want to say is in the other thread... Thank you for your service. *insert grand salute*


      (Refer to "Developer")


      You don't hold grudges, you're pretty carefree, and that really speaks a lot about you. You're one really friendly Moderator, even though we don't see or hear much from you. You're quiet on forums, but you get your job done. It's something I really appreciate. Forgiveness is something we all struggle with, but you've shown us that being a Moderator, you don't just enforce discipline, you also are a role model to the community by showing forgiveness. I feel that your work is really under-appreciated. You are just by the sidelines, keeping things in check, but we almost never appreciate you.

      Vanishment, you may be the last on this list, but you certainly deserve no less appreciation than the others. Thank you for silently going through reports, helping people in-game, almost never taking credit for your arduous work. However, today, I would like to thank you for your work. Like many Moderators, you've put in a lot of effort and time into this server. Thank you!


      Please take note that this is just the current list, and there are obviously many other Moderators who have been demoted or resigned. Now, I can't really name them all, it's really too tiring, honestly speaking. But just to wrap things up... To the haters out there, without the staff team, the whole of Mineverse wouldn't be running, so quit whining about how they "don't do their job". Because things would be worse if they aren't here to keep things in check. Yes, there are problems, but they are doing their best to keep this server a non-toxic environment.

      Thank you for your service, Staff Team!

    3. Alan

      Alan Experienced Member

      Jan 19, 2015
      Likes Received:
      the tl;dr is strong in this thread
    4. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Very nice thread. Don't forget I am part of the build team as well. ;p
    5. tweeeds

      tweeeds Experienced Member

      Apr 5, 2016
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      This is quite the way to suck up yet get yourself known by all the staff, and very cheesy. but sweet.
    6. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      O.m.g. SORRY! It wasn't in the Staff Team list oops sorry Nana
      Up to you to think what it is. I don't expect to get famous or something, and really. There's no point in sucking up to the staff team. What will that get me? Free unbans? Nope. So think about it, there's no point in me "sucking up", which proves that I'm not.
    7. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      Thanks, always nice to hear someting positive about me and the whole staff team :>
    8. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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      hey man where is me... im cool also
    9. Wolfie

      Wolfie Boss Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      @Andrewswj for PandaBear, you need 1 more underscore (_) when tagging her. ;)

      Anyways, this is a great thread! :)
    10. tweeeds

      tweeeds Experienced Member

      Apr 5, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Up to you to think what it is. I don't expect to get famous or something, and really. There's no point in sucking up to the staff team. What will that get me? Free unbans? Nope. So think about it, there's no point in me "sucking up", which proves that I'm not.[/QUOTE]
      Was a complitment, just saying you wanted to get yourself known and this is a good way ;_;
    11. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thank you, we always appreciate these sorts of things! ;)
    12. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Was a complitment, just saying you wanted to get yourself known and this is a good way ;_;[/QUOTE]
      ? Oh. Well anyway I don't take "sucking up" as a compliment. Well I guess I just clarified to those who may think I'm doing this for the fame and the likes, the friendly ratings, etc. Why would I spend so much time on an individual if it doesn't come from what I actually feel? I could rate or post farm another way, so yeah :P
    13. Resign

      Resign Experienced Member

      Feb 12, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Very nice thread man! We really appreciate it! :)
    14. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Awe, this is really sweet! Thank you heaps xo
    15. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      This is so sweet. :tongueclosed:
    16. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      This means a lot. Thank you.
    17. Janice

      Janice Retired Admin | Max's Mentee Premium

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      This was great. I love it.
      Thank you for doing this. :)
    18. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Inb4trend LOL

      anyways, decent thread ;p
    19. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      So sweet of you, thank you.
    20. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      One of the only staff appreciation threads out there that actually shows no hate, and shows equal appreciation too all of the staff.

      Good on you @Andrewswj :)
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