TOMLOU4321 STAFF APP!!!!! How old are you? 14 Actually ! 15 in 10 month :lol: Your in-game name: Tomlou4321 What timezone are you in? GMT:France What country do you live in? Actually in France What languages do you speak? French , english , spanish ( A Little ) Why do you think you should become a mod? Because 1. I can be a awesome mod ! 2. im already mod on 3server and know how to be a good mod ! 3. I Will Be On The Forum And The Sever everyday foe be a active Mod ! 4. i dont will abuse of my power , you can trust me ! 5. For Ban Appeal i will be cool , but if you got banned before make a good ban appeal because it will be hard to get unbanned a second time ! How long can you be active on the server everyday? Monday: 5:30-10:30 pm Tuesday: 6:30-11:30 pm Wednesday : 5:30-10:30 pm Thursday: 5:30-10:30 pm Friday: 5:30-2:00 pm Saturday : 12:00-4:00pm; 9:00-2:00 am Sunday: 8:00-10:30 pm How long have you been playing Mineverse? I Have been on mineverse for a year and can say its a very good server with : 1. A Good pvp system 2. Good minigame 3. Cheap rank 4. Good reward when ur voting ! 5. Mineverse got a really good community its really cool to play with other player ! Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes , im already Mod on 3 server and im doing a good job on it . why would i be staff ? recently i got banned more than 20 hacker , spammer , and i admire @rachetclanks @Pile_of_Butts @BlueberryWaffle @MrParkourGuy Job ! :D Thanks for reading my staff application for being mod , sorry again for my english im french its really hard to speak english for me ... ( Big Thanks to @rachetclanks ; @minecraftchic333 ; @Dr_mongosmurf ; @superdrew22 ) Open the file to see some player say #Tom4Mod :p