Im Hombrecito567 and in gta i got about a few blocks from the mine and , BOOM! Crashed. Its still happening , it has been for 2 hours.... I connected with another alt and went 50 blocks from where i crashed, and it crashed too! Im worried :3 Help??! Suggestions? Please Answer 1 --------------------------------------------------------------Hombrecito------------------------------------------------------------------
Maybe its something to do with memory? Sometimes when I have too many texture packs and screenshots I crash out of the game when one part of a map is really big or laggy.
You could try using the mobile app 'Minechat' and once you've gotten on GTA, do /spawn. Let me know if it doesn't work.
I tried that so many times already Not working,. One thing. I was near the border and - thethingwastaken - was near me and was fastplacing with an arrow at me and i think he crashed me FOREVER!!! WAAAA :( !!!
Oh my God. Thank You Guys! it finally started working ... i reset all my MC files :(! But it was Worth It :D ty Guys ! Really Apreciate the help ------------------------------------------------------HomSWAG---------------------------------------out-----------------------------