So today has been a pretty mad day for me and I thought I might share... *Magical story noises* Once apon a time, a young Aussie girl was trudging up to her homeroom. She sat down and began to eat an apple, she then heard distance music growing louder and louder. Her crazy friend who we will call 'unicorn' had a portable speaker in her hand and she was blasting 'na na na' by my chemical romance and let me just say unicorn's speakers were so loud 4 teachers came in to see what was going on. At recess the aussie girl's friends were 'play fighting' like usual (Aussie girl stays out of it) but one of them takes it to far so unicorn goes and tells her big sister what happened. 2 classes later it is now lunch and the aussie girl was chilling at her friends locker, she then spots these year 10 girls walking towards them. The aussie girl understands what is about to happen and finds a safe spectating spot. Sadly unicorn comes along and feels sorry for the girl so she is there trying to hold her big sister back and big sister is calling the girl all these names. THEN aussie girl got a free burger from one of big sisters friends.The girls then managed to get into a food fight which recked their white shirts ;/ Aussie girl then had sport as my last class, she opens her sports bag only to find that her water bottle had leaked all through her bag. It looked like she had peed her pants :| she stands under the blow dryer for around 10 minutes trying to try them but it sadly doesn't work and she is still soaking wet. She realises then time and how late she is so she slips her feet in her shoes (doesn't put shoes on properly) and starts sprinting to the courts. She then notices a random person she had never seen before chasing her. The person looks in her thirties and the aussie girl naturally thinks it is a psycho stalker trying to kill her. Aussie girl runs around the whole school in her soaking wet clothes still being chased by the psycho stalker. The psycho stalker eventually catches up to her and it turns out psycho stalker was actually a new teacher who aussie girl hadn't met yet. The teacher just wanted to tell her to put her shoes on properly. Aussie girl ended up coming in the last 15 minutes of the lesson and just manages to talk her way out of a detention. So that was my crazy day xD it may not seem crazy to you guys but for me...
Once the girls in my form room were squirting juice around, and when someone told a teacher about them, they climbed out of the windows XD
At my school people start tiny fires under the fire alarms so they go off and everyone misses out on class. But if they are caught they have to pay the bills for the firemen and all and get lik 3 detentions.
Ahahahahha. Nice. Well during a science expermient, my group started a fire, by accident. It was funny.
crazy :D My friends convinced my History teacher to let us draw on his hand in sharpie and show him this 'cool trick', but luckily after recovering he wasn't too mad at us :P
my crazy day: was in a server. entire server was hackers. hackers didn't get banned. I got banned for hacking. my worst day: crying all day at school. doing dumb unsafe stuff. bffs all absent. going through like the biggest depression thing in the world. (this lasted for about 2-3 months.) my weirdest day: tried to go to a store. store closed. tried to go to another store. store closed. (insert 34 more tries for stores) earlier that day, dust devil. caught in it:eek:. flew up in sky. wee. fell down in grass (thank god) Yep. I'm not even 13 and all this happened. Dust devil wiki A dust devil is a strong, well-formed, and relatively long-lived whirlwind, ranging from small (half a meter wide and a few meters tall) to large (more than 10 meters wide and more than 1000 meters tall). The primary vertical motion is upward. Dust devils are usually harmless, but can on rare occasions grow large enough to pose a threat to both people and property. They are comparable to tornadoes in that both are a weather phenomenon of a vertically oriented rotating column of wind. Most tornadoes are associated with a larger parent circulation, the mesocyclone on the back of a supercell thunderstorm. Dust devils form as a swirling updraft under sunny conditions during fair weather, rarely coming close to the intensity of a tornado.
Woah intense Is that the sharpie shock challenge xD me and my friends did it :P That song is amazing :')