So, the story goes like this... (no names will be mentioned DO NOT ASK!) a mod joins me in a game and calls me a hacker multiple times and started to ask people if i was recorded so that she could ban me. Of course i do not hack, anyone who knows me, knows this is true. However the mod doesnt know me and has only played a few games prior with me. The mod leaves the game and im worried im about to be banned for no reason. I said to my friends in game "i swear if i get banned for no reason because of that dumba** mod xD". now of course this mod had a friend in the game that sucks up to her all the time most likely, so a picture of the chat was taken and sent to the mod. now i do agree that words are in fact inappropriate in game. however that is not bannable saying those words and the mod wasnt there to give me a "proper" verbal warning. now the mod was obviously upset with me and joined me next game. in that game she gets more and more mad at me because i argue with her but not in a mean way or she wouldve said something. but in that game her friend killed me by a glitch. and when i stated that doing so is "bannable". the mod goes on to say "oh yeah remind me to ban kenji for glitch abuse". now this ban was WAY uncalled for. the report against me was denied because i reported a hacker and the only way to prove the hacks was to kill the player as a spec. but since the mod was mad at me, she had me banned for this report. Its so glad to see that my favorite server has their Priorities of who gets banned in line. -.- thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and learned a lesson about making the server better for everyone... -kenji
Just pm the moderator in question and ask HER why SHE banned you. (Or just report HER if you have evidences)
There's a ban appeal section,there's no need for this. Although,that's a pretty sad thing to do,if the mod did it...
Sorry.. The mod who did this shouldn't be mentioned though, keep it a secret He's already made a staff report on the mod and it was denied as well as his ban appeal.
I do admit, I did report him for spec blocking a hacker back when we hated each other, but it was denied and I thought it was going to stay that way.. sadly it didn't.
not retarded lol just really immature mods. and i did report the mod and it is still being investigated, no decisions were made sadly. although i doubt it will go through in the first place because its all the mods against me :/. i didnt make a ban appeal because the mod who banned me will deny it. i came posted it here just to rant about the situation and let others know of this system.
no but all the mods can view it. see my report isnt something huge. the mods isnt hacking or telling people to kill themselves or anything. my report is showing the immaturity of mods that pick favorites, threaten and abuse their power.
idk. most likely cuz the head mods have to decide and im sure theyre all busy. plus its not an easy decision.
I got banned on another server because they thought I was hacking in my own hacker report video lmfao
The thing is they denied my appeal, and they perm lobby banned me. I dont want to purchase an unban, because it's false lol. This server allows ban evading and I dont do it, but on servers who dont allow it I do ban evade. Idfk whats wrong with me.
i would ban evade to if i got perm banned for no reason lol. and expect you to pay to unban yourself? thats just sad
I got banned because I reported a hacker but specblocked him to prove his anti-fall (he got banned too)
First of all, I have a lot of experience playing with Kenji and I can say I have never suspected him of hacks. I'm a little confused though, maybe I'm reading it wrong but as I understand it, you spec blocked a hacker to prove that this person was hacking. If that is correct, I believe it may be a legitimate ban. Hacker or not, that is illegal to do. If the person does hack, it will be easy enough to get them in another game, jut be patient. You can always count on a hacker to hack. Just my opinion though. It does sound as though this mod was being unprofessional and immature though. Gl
I spec blocked someone too. How is that illegal? It's only illegal because of the "glitch abuse" loophole, which is very controversial and doesn't even get players banned 100% of the time.
its very hard to prove WHO spec blocked. thats the problem. but if it is a problem and bannable... does anyone think that it should be fixed? all the players do. but sadly the staff doesnt :/