Guys Please help i was playing GTA and was randomly DDOS-ed because i have a feather i have proof i used to have it. Please help me get it back it was what made the game really enjoyable for me , i worked so hard to get it now i have nothing. Please help guys
I'm sorry but there's nothing you can do about retrieving your items after a DDoS attack, however, I advise that you get a VPN so situations like these don't happen in the future. If you need any recommendations I'd use Cyberghost, it's free and easy to use. : )
DDoSed for your items? ... I am unsure if you know what a DDoS actually is. Anyway, unfortunately, it's part of the game and no one will help you get your feather back (unless they're willing to), but it's just how GTA works - if you die, you lose your items. Sorry.
No guys these were donor items when i die i don't lose them the only way is if i log out in combat which is what the guys are me do, he crashed me and made me log out. So surely a mod can give me back my items
Moderators do not have the permissions to give back items/creative mode. The only way you could possibly get your items back is if you had video evidence and sent it to explaining the situation, I'm assuming you don't have video evidence so there's nothing you can do.
no but can't they check their history to see i lost it and i have a witness this guy saw what happened
It really doesn't matter if someone else saw it, there's no evidence therefore your items won't be refunded. It's the cold hard truth. Also, no. From my knowledge there is no way to check what items were previously in someones inventory.
But i have a photo of all my donor items i can send, pls help bro its the only game i enjoy and that I'm actually good at. i can show my photo if someone tells me how please guys i really need my stuff back.
That's more likely. However, even still very unlikely. It may have just been a connection problem. Maybe check your incoming traffic on your router, or computer? Not entirely sure how to on many models, but I am sure there is a way.
il send an email to support.minecraft and see what they say, thanks for the help guys No its the first time its ever happened so it wasn't my connection.
Ok, let me just say a few things. We cannot refund any items, despite what happened Do not say you got DDoSed if you actually have no proof of this and don't even know if you actually did get DDoSed Emailing support will not get your items back, nor will it catch the culprit. So I suggest not emailing them as it will not do you any good.