Hello. I am just wondering if anyone knows the current status on Prestige 6. Are the staff working on fixing it? Is it still broken? I am currently p5 Sgt Maj and i don't wanna prestige because if it is still broken it will be a waste. Can someone help? Thanks, Squashy
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/infection-level-help.86029/#post-901264 Hope this helps. The head-mods (Dyna and Nanurz) will restore your levels. Just be patient.
I believe you have misinterpreted what Squashy meant to say. He hasn't lost levels, it's just that prestige 6 is currently broken and doesn't have an egg, which it should. He would like to know if that was fixed so it would be safe, as a prestige 5 Sgtmaj to prestige. The answer is no @SquashyAgate62.