Hello There! I am Zentios. I am a very old player of Mineverse and I just joined back recently and I don't have access to my plot because it says the owner is my old ign Wolf_X_FusionsZ So I changed my alt name to Wolf_X_FusionsZ and my alt does not have access to the plot either.. I can get on my plot and break stuff but I cannot add people or deny or undeny and when people do /plot h Zentios it says that I do not have a plot.. I have signs on my chests in the house and in the bottom of my house so I cannot access my own chests because it says ZentiosPvP when my name is Zentios.. I also lost all my money on KitPvP for some reason. I have a screenshot here that I had 7k and now I have $0. http://prntscr.com/b8e08s Also I am wondering if you guys could make a YouTuber Rank because I have 1500 Subs on YouTube. If not It's fine, Thank you for your time and have a nice day! <3 Zentios
To get your balance back, pm @Pile with proof, but the proof has to be from a certain date. For the name thing, email [email protected] with the problem and proof of your name change. Good luck getting your problems resolved.
You can close this thread @TannerLittle fixed this issue for me <3 thank you @TannerLittle and @Exstatisfy
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