Try changed your passwords on everything if you think you are hacked. They cannot do request bans. Sorry. I hope you get you account back.
I don't think they can do anything, pm @Dyna_Mighty about the problem and see if she can do anything, although I don't know if she can. I'm sorry about your account.
A lot of players attempt to act as other players and try to get them banned. He's hacked, I don't understand how he can give his items to someone else. Sadly, if he's already in your account all of your items are already probably gone.
I mean you never know. If you do pm @Dyna_Mighty then you probably need proof that it is your account. I hope you get it back and nothing went too wrong.
If you can get proof that its your account, then you can pm a moderator/head-mod and ask them if you could request a ban.
I banned your account yesterday when you alerted Flazer that it was compromised. Its been banned since then. Like UncleUrnesto said, Mineverse cannot get your access back if they changed everything like the password and email associates with the account
Try to change your password, that might work. It can, he asks for someone to ban his account so the 'hacker' couldn't do something on the server.
He's already been told to change his password, his mojang account was hacked which means he wouldn't be able to change his password. Requested ban aren't allowed as I said above.
While I was moderating they weren't allowed, he probably had some kind of proof but in general they aren't allowed from my knowledge.
We don't do requests just because. If someone comes to us saying their account has been compromised, we will ban it to keep it safe until we know they are the only ones with access to it.