Hello There! So some of you might noticed that I haven't been very active lately. I won't be that active at the end of May & beginning of June, The reasons why I won't be very active are... I got injured Family IRL issues School I have exams coming up, beginning of June. No, I am not quitting. So please don't say I'm looking for "attention" I just won't be as active as i'm usually am. I will still be in game & forums like I am everyday, You probably just won't see me around that much. I will be back with my full activity as soon as possible! - Jenn / Jxnn
Good luck, on your exams Jenn! I will be going inactive soon till the end of school, Finals x) Hope you feel better soon <3
Good luck! I hope you will get better soon enough <3 I love how everyone is getting inactive because of those stupid finals xD (I might be too so)
I'm absolutely 'gonna miss you Jenn, get well soon and good luck on your exams, I'll miss you a lot. I love you <3