TOURNAMENT TEMPLATE ⇾ ∾ In-game Name? ShrektingPro ∾ Do you have a Donor Rank? If so, what rank? God ∾ Will you be able to get on 5/20/16 AT 7:30pmEST? Yep Fre sha vac a do
@Rodeen @Cadance @twin_nic @Enthusiastic @MR_B3N_123 @SanjiCraft @chain_god @Huskayy [UNS]Ziro @Boo724 @atomicforce28 @CEllis2003 @KimchiNuke @tilufish @Elrak @Jhow @EliteArcher @ShrektingPro Just making sure, tomorrow at 7:30pm EST, you guys can still attend correct? If you are not sure of your timezone, PM me.
Strange, I made the time relatively late. You're timezone must be behind this one some then. I'll remove you off the brackets.
In game name : AgentBigToe What donater rank? God I will be able to be online at 7:30 est. Good luck!
∾ In-game Name? The one and only Swigity swooty Apocalypses ∾ Do you have a Donor Rank? If so, what rank? Titan fam ∾ Will you be able to get on 5/20/16 AT 7:30pm EST? ye boi Stored all my stuff on my alt/in pv. ready for kit archer show down
IGN: LoveIl. Older IGNs are _Inzanity, Das_Sniper, and Wave_A5x Rank: Titan I can most likely be on. GL all.