Your in-game name: Musezeta What timezone are you in? Central Time Zone (CST) (UTC/GMT -06:00) What country do you live in? United States of America What languages do you speak? English Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No Yes Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes Why do you think you should become a mod? You may visit my previous application here for the full list I stand by on what I consider requirements needed in order to take a moderator position. Beyond that this application stands as a means to turn the cogs of the server and the minds of those who run it. My current agenda keeps me from being able to give even rough estimates as to when I can be available, but often times I make room for a particular leisure (in this case gaming) more than I should. I have already proved my trust and ability to uphold a responsibility with the permissions I had, and the administrators know this very well. I have presented many suggestions in order to further the development of the server came both before and after I had resigned from this position. These include numerous reports and bug threads, an addition to the parkour server that offered more of a challenge to those looking to get more out of the game-mode, a few map submissions, and most recently an entire game-mode premise. Many hands make light work, and I see no reason to not have trusted individuals in positions where they can help the server; How ever jam packed their schedules may be. I would not have an issue stepping down if I reached the point where I can offer no help with moderation. And on top of that those who are applying with intent to do this full time during the summer should be selected before me if I am to be considered. I plan on keeping this thread open as consideration. How long can you be active on the server everyday? My schedule is flexible day to day as I don't keep regular hours in relation to most people. This application does not stand on the basis of being active 365 days a year. How long have you been playing Mineverse? Closing in on 2 years Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Yes, with a head moderators permission I will gladly edit in my 1 in-game ban. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I moderated for the Parkour and OP Prison servers for 3 months (Mar - May 2015) Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No Yes I will gladly answer any and all questions regarding my application, ban history (see above), and activity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick summary if you're busy: DO consider: How helpful is this player? How active is this player? Is this player mature? What's the players background? (Bans, warnings, so on) How experienced is this player? DON'T consider: Is this player a donor? Is this player a good builder? (MODERATORS DON'T GET /GAMEMODE) Does this player give out lots of free stuff and enchants?
Support. Probably one of the best moderators I've ever had the pleasure of meeting on this server. Good luck.