Your ing account name:AtlasTitus The offender's ing account name: NubFTWbruv A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: She scammed me on factions and kitpvp Evidence/screenshots:
@Smiley @Matt @Cotner @tin15cro @Janice999 @Clxrity @Exstatisfy @Noobcrew @Alex WHY CANY ANY ONE HAVE A LOOK ON THIS M*** @NoMoreSanity @PandaBear__ @MaxNinja10 @Dyna_Mighty
Please stop bumping your post. We know its here and we will get to it as soon as we can. I have merged your many posts.
I would like for you to explain your hacks in the video..... and Ive already downloaded it so no need to take it down
You have been lucky and have been unbanned twice from kitpvp this week for hacks, only because of a glitch in the server. Yet you still didn't learn your lesson. NubFTWbruv will be banned for the scam but you have also been banned for the use of a hacked client.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.