I know not everyone cares about why I'm quitting but this section will explain why, feel free to skip to the part of the Thread where I talk about server issues and what I think will improve the server. Qutting: I know not everyone will care about why I'm quitting, you might even not know who I am but this is probably worth staying to read. I'm quitting because of several reasons: Personal - Personal reasons which I'd rather not talk about, people close to me will know what I'm talking about. Depression - Depression has been on top of me for some time now and I'm trying to get over it, only one person is really there for me when ever I need him/her and again and again you will know who this person is if you care close to me. Hackers - this is about not only in-game hacking but black hatting over the game, people are ratting and DDoSing and Doxing over a game that is designed for younger ages, I played the game for fun and now it's just not fun any more because of constant empty threats. To follow up on what I said before, not only mineverse but basically every server you go on now has hackers, it is becoming ridiculous. Staff - This is not intended to insult any staff member or cause any harm to any of them, staff are not equipped enough to tell if someone is actually hacking, lagging or just good at the game and the other person can't contend with them. Lag - I lag on even EU servers now and it's becoming stupid, I lag out of servers that I get 22ms to so you can imagine how bad it is on servers that are hosted in much further places such as American servers. Toxicity - Minecraft has became so toxic now, I know that I myself am quite toxic but I'm not where near as toxic as some people, I am only toxic towards people who are toxic towards me or my friends and I don't mind if you think otherwise. People changing for others - Some people who I've know for a long time have changed because of other people who came into their lives, I'm not naming anyone so I avoid any drama in the comments but it's just something I want to point out. Now for the part that most people will be interested in (If you are lazy skip to the end to read a Server issues! Disclaimer: this is not intended to cause harm or offend anyone (please keep opinions that may hurt others to yourself) Constant lag. The server is constantly lagging and having lag spikes, these lag spikes constantly get people killed on the PvP servers and it is a massive issue. It's not client sided lag as everyone feels the same thing, the server keeps running out of memory to run and keeps having spikes that last from half a second to 4 seconds all the way to being disconnected completely. Anti-Cheat. The servers protection against hacking isn't that great, a plus side to it is the flying is really hard to bypass on the server. I also understand you can't really prevent people using things like kill aura and auto-pot and stuff without a really advantaged anti-cheat and that is not really what I'm here to talk about, I'm talking about the constant speed hackers you see around the servers, they are using something called "Bhop" which is bunny hopping really fast, I could list clients that have this feature but I'm sure you'd rather me not as you don't want more hackers to have more of these hackers on the server. (skip to the end to see me using a really fast speed hack that I won't name) Staff. (Again this is not to offend any staff so I will not be naming anyone) The staff team are very inactive on the server and you need people who are going to be active and know how to spot hacks aside from skill and lag, I couldn't name the amount of times I have been false banned for so called "hacking" when it is just blatant delayed hits and lag. You have even had/have people on your staff team that hack themselves and even DDoS other players, recently someone who resigned from being staff was found out to be cheating and he couldn't deny it because he was using it at the time he was screen-shared. Toxicity. (Not naming anyone) The server is getting worse for the amount of people being toxic (rude) in chat, it's on a daily basis you see people calling other people 'ez' and saying really rude things involving family members in chat and there is no staff on to mute them and even when the staff are on they don't stay around long enough to see the full extent of what people say. Yes people get reported but that only results in things such as a 1 hour temp-mute or maybe even a short ban, the rules are not strict enough. Plugins. The plugins have been really buggy recently and I'm sure the majority of the people who read this would know about the recent glitch with the pv's where they have been clearing when players have re-logged and money has also been cleared. With this has came a duping glitch that has ruined full servers, as I know of OpPvP was ruined because of Speed 2 and Strength 2 (which you can no longer get) being duped and everyone completely going insane with them. I also know on KitPvP God Apples where duped and I'm not sure of the current situation with them as I don't play KitPvP. Quick Summery. Anti-Cheat needs updating, Staff need to be more active and taught to recognise hacks in a new light, Lag needs to be fixed, chat needs to be monitored more, plugins need to be fixed before new ones are added. A bit of help. I think that personally all of the servers should be reset soon and new maps should be made, the server needs a big revamp and I think the majority of the players could agree with me on that. I've been on the server for a bit over a year and it has never even been considered that it could need a revamp. (Laptop is about to die, I'll add more help later) <3
Yeah it's becoming ridiculous now to be honest, if I was a mod I wouldn't be able to keep up with all the reports I'd have to make