In-game name : Ordinateur7 Offender's exact in-game name : __Brainsick__ Reason of report : Death warping other players along side Mr_Mad_Mustache (No proof of him death warping). He has said this warp (/warp mrmadmustache) plenty of times, and telling it's a drop party. (I have no proof of it being a drop party, only proof of him saying the warp) My first screenshots states him saying the warp, my second and last states his trap. The trap is powered by redstone / sticky pistons, which opens and closes everytime someone is in the trap. <--- First screenshot (Sorry if you can't see his name, but it's near the bottom) <--- Second screenshot in the trap (You can see me teleporting in chat "Warping to mrmadmustache" ) Thank you for your time to banning the "evil" people ~Ordi
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.