1. PrideDHomunculus 2. Those 5 hackers in the title: jjerk KingAxel123 ohch Erysion xXRUBZROCKSXx 3. All were hacking. jjerk - fly KingAxel123 - anti-kb, fly ohch - noslowdown (he draws the bow and doesn't slow down) Erysion - anti-kb xXRUBZROCKSXx - anti-kb 4. Spoiler: Times in vid: jjerk flies quite a few times, including once at 0:59 but there are other times too KingAxel123's hacks are really obvious and appear throughout the video Erysion takes a punch bow hit without being KB'ed at 2:13, and is seen again at 3:01 xXRUBZROCKSXx is seen at 3:01 fighting Erysion, with no kb taken for either. Erysion then moves to KingAxel123 and again both take no knockback. ohch's noslowdown is at 3:43 when he moves back and forth without being slowed while drawing his bow.
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