So I basically wanna ask three question but all of the questions are all about skyblock mob spawned. 1. So basically I wanna ask that you can change the mob spawner type mob by using a spawn egg. But I have seen someone use the egg on the spawner but the spawner took the egg, so if that happened to me, can I get it refunded? 2. So in vanilla minecraft, you can't get the spawner by using a silk touch pick, but heard from people that you can in mine verse skyblock, is it true or not. 3. Will the spawn egg be taken when used on the spawner? Thanks, Zyro
At early 2015, the issue one happens. It is totally fixed now? And ok, silk touch pick can take the spawner. Thanks
Got another question, can you place private chest? Like using signs and make a chest private? If yes, please tell me how thanks
You can place a shop sign on a chest which will turn it into a shop, but no one else will have access to open the chest. '/warp shop' will show you how if you are unfamiliar with chest shops as well.
I mean like, A private chest, that only I can open it, even other islanders on my island can't open it
Yes, a shop sign will only give you access to that chest. It protects it just like a private sign would.