So i got muted by Flazer6424 for 3 weeks on creative... here is the Exact Message When i chat: &8You have been muted for &cAds! &8by &6Flazer6424 &8for 3 weeks! now i never advertised! from what i can remember anyways... so what happened is to make a long story short i coudlnt get on mineverses for a week... ti just said disconected... finaly i get on and im like YAYYYYY I CAN GO DO AN RP but well im Fricken muted By Flazer6424! in the Ban appeal is apparently where im saposed to appeal for mutes too... but for some reason it says i dont have permission to post there... so what do i do? i mean if i did advertise then im sorry i did but i dont remember advertiseing! got any ideas?
Go into the ban appeals section, and I believe you have to click the sub-forum thing once inside ban appeals? Be sure to follow the template. @Flazer