Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Coastic, Apr 30, 2016.
Just a prank bro
she hates me
when @Puri~ thinks pancakes are better than waffles. xd
@FaZe Dox chews on carpets
I'm better then @PandaBear__ at CSGO
@Bakes32 has a squeaky chair
@Annika and @Bailxy love me 2 much.
Yes yes we do <33333
@Reborn is in deep love with @Cxitlyn (I'm better for her)
;P @Reborn
@Red. You know I love you <3
@Imperialous is my slave.
@Swiftlicious likes @cheetahswimmer XD SwiftSwimmer <3
Go away pft.
I could see that he likes me.
Even a rating! Wow!