How Old am I: (I'm 10 Years Old at the Moment) My In-game Name: my In-game name is "42766" what Time Zone I am in? I i'm in the EST Where do I live? I Live in the USA What Languages I speak Usually speak English Why I should be a Mod? Well I have never Been a Mod I'm also The TOP donater on this server and I'm VERY well Know I have LOTS of friends and it will be a Dream Come true :D Am I used to Mod Basics? Yes I am My friend Owns a Server And Admin On it and I know the basics Like /kick /ban Ect... I can communicate easily to players yep I can Really get On this server Ever day so I also get on ALL of the servers It would be an awesome experience yes It would be I have never Been a Mod on any server I brother Was A mod and I want to be one too I know where to start lookin ' YES I do I mostly See them On KitPVP Infection Skywars Some time Using Glide or Anti-knock-back I am very honest and reliable YES I am Usually people want me to enchant Stuff For people I'm always Honest Even when I hack PS: I don't hack anymore I'm Not gullible Well Sort off Today I Did a Trick on This Guys I said "Ill give you a free rank if you let me come on top of the boat" but I didn't Why I did it because I also want people to play Fairly Just not be a Jerk Not Letting anyone on top of the boat xD I take pre-caution to things and take it seriously Yes I do I also play on other servers like I could be Scammed and I never scam on this server like I always enchant There stuff and Give it back so I don't get banned I'm pretty knowledgeable Yes I am If I do a action anywere I could go to Jail or Punished I'm always in a good mood Some times and sometimes Not Like when I die on infection or get scammed How long can you be active on the server everyday? I get on this server EVERYDAY!!! and I usually Play For 3-7 Hours I play Usually Sunday - Saturday How long have you been playing Mineverse Um About 6 Months now because I dint know about this until my Friend told me this server and Loved it for Months Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Nope I have never Been a Mod before and I hope this server will help me become oneMany thanks to the staff members that keep this server hacker-free and all the people that supported this application! Staff Members: (I misssed some of you, sorry) @Pile_of_Butts @Edward Ray @CypriotMerks @Laura_or_is_it @Noobcrew @mineterria @MrParkourGuy @pokemaniac01 @rachetclanks @Gwism @Troy Ps: I hope This one works and Thx for all of your That Supported Titan: 42766 also I worked Really
Guys Before I get Mod I might Get a New account and Put mod on there so I have a Other Account That I have titan with!
Stop posting in your own mod application! And saying you get mod is just :L No support cause there are too many spelling mistakes in this mod app, You should grow a bit and get much more mature like MPG :p
You know you don't have a 100% chance, try making each question its own paragraph until then 25% Support, as your nice and helpful in-game
:> Well, don't post things like this "Hi Im Layers Im So Good Yup And U All Suck" with capital in every word it's really hard to read, but it shows a bit mature that you can take critics from me!
No support Reason: it says your 19 years old in your profile and then you say your 10 on the app. Also it's hard to read where things are.