DUDE MODS what did u do to OPPVP i LOST everything. ALL my hard work is gone.What r u all doing sitting by ur tv what is this give me back my things or i quit!!!
Player vaults have been disabled as there was a duplication glitch involving it. It'll be restored when the glitch is patched. ;)
Not only you lost your stuff, also don't rage like this to the Mods. The player vaults have been disabled due the duplication.
The mods don't have any access to these kind of things. they can only really Tempban mute kick vanish ETC. It was a glitch due to Duping that made them shut the player vaults I am very sorry if you lost good items but remember it is only a game.
It's fine, you can't be expected to know EVERYTHING :P Well... Please calm down :P Everyone is facing this issue. There was a duplication glitch.
Dude I spent almost 5 years getting all my stuff inventories pvs and echest means a lot to me and it's not just a game it's a meaningful game and I'm sure all the pros in oppvp might be raging and not able to communicate to the mods like I do now.i don't blame the mods I blame the server Like why must u reset op pvp and not other servers it's not fair to the people in op Pvp I hope I will get all my stuff back. Andrewswj that she the point everyone is facing this annoying problem it makes people wan to quit the server That's the not she