Favorite People on Mineverse: @Jenn @Rodeen @Cotner @Foils ;> @NoMoreSanity @MeanThePoo @RakionMC Please no hate if I missed you. :D
@Imperialous ~ Well well well, where to begin with you? I never thought I would find a friend in you when I first started noticing you around the forums. When the whole situation happened, you were there for me and I really appreciate it. You're seriously a phenomenal person and I am so lucky to have met and befriended you. You're one of the most kind, sweet and trustworthy people I have met in my life, thank you for being fantastic. I can tell anything to you and now it's safe to say that you are one of my best friends. P.s - I can't wait to rek you in Town Of Salem. <3 @Shantaram ~ We used to talk a lot a couple years ago on good 'ol Kik. We lost contact for a while but then you came back and I am honestly so grateful that we started talking again. You're one of my best friends and I don't know what I would do without you. You're so much fun to Skype with and we need to do that again soon because I'm missin' u. Thank you for being in my life, I really appreciate you. c: P.s - You're a crumb honourable mentions @AthleticPsycho @Valixta @RakionMC @Teddy @Janice999 @MaxNinja10 @CypriotMerks @AmazingFireGirl @Pile
@ParanormalPizza @Jhow @Nanurz @PandaBear__ @Pile @Alex @CypriotMerks @Janice999 @Rodeen @Reborn @Levis @NoMoreSanity @Elrak @Cotner @MissMisconceived @TADS @RakionMC Sorry if I missed someone ;-;
@PandaBear__ @Nightfire @Wolf64 @Reborn @Tepig4321 @Janice999 @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @NoobCupCake @Alex @AthleticPsycho @Dyna_Mighty @MissMisconceived @SSMH