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  • Factions ProPvP_Man [Hacking][Panda][Banned]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by AliensCreatedUs, May 6, 2016.

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    1. AliensCreatedUs

      AliensCreatedUs Active Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Hi, I dont know everyones name yet, but youll see in the videos.
      (update: KILLERPANDA_123, Chronic_Dragon, and ProPvP_Man)

      First off, NO ONE has EVER been in my room. You will simply have to take my word for it.
      Im enemies with Wilderness, so they would have to get in.. SOMEHOW which is impossible without glitch abusing or hacking... then theyd have to make a fac and sethome.... which is CRAZY the server allows that as a loophole. (please fix loophole?)

      If you dont believe me, since I have no proof of them glitching into my room... lets continue -_-.

      You will clearly see.. reach hack is being used. You will clearly see glitch abuse of tnt.
      They used block glitch to enter my room, and they used it to attack us in my room.
      They used a tnt hack to get in and out of my room, and base.
      It is a well known tnt hack, LJEZ JUST told me about it a few hours prior to this.

      Let the videos speak for themselves. Ive never recorded gameplay before so I didnt know how to setup audio for gameplay instead of my microphone. So what you DONT hear is the tnt sounds happening every 3 minutes... which is how they got my doors off everytime.

      (p.s. I included a screenshot of joshuacagg123 paying them to leave us alone)

      I would like to request all 3 being banned.

      link to videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmCfPpsPA8FewNA4wLr_I7Q6S-4pxaFGC

      link to pic of deal: http://i66.tinypic.com/2d6waq9.png
      Last edited: May 6, 2016
    2. AliensCreatedUs

      AliensCreatedUs Active Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Please dont delete this post for no reason and no discussion like the other posts ive made.
    3. Dyna_Mighty

      Dyna_Mighty Retired Head-Mod

      Oct 13, 2014
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      There are 5 videos in with that lot, which video at which times shows these players hacking? I also need to see proof of where they were hacking to get inside your base. Unfortunately I cannot just take your word for it, for us to handle any reports we must have solid proof of these players hacking or abusing within the game.
    4. AliensCreatedUs

      AliensCreatedUs Active Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Please watch all 5 videos before responding, they are only 5 minutes long. They are hacking and glitching almost the entire time... Im sure that I will have to write down every part eventually but can you at least watch them first then have me do all the work? (rhetorical)
      You have to watch them all the way through anyhow, how is it fair to only see bits and pieces of evidence? (that wasnt rhetorical and neither was my last question about fixing loophole)
    5. AliensCreatedUs

      AliensCreatedUs Active Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Ok, I took the time while Ive been waiting and getting attacked by hackers, to list some things.

      The videos are not in order, but heres by label and info:

      MC 1
      0-11 s
      glitch abuse or hack: ProPvP_Man hitting thru walls

      glitch abuse or hack: ProPvP_Man kiled thru walls

      glitch abuse or hack: ProPvP_Man hit thru walls

      glitch abuse or hack: KILLERPANDA_123 blew doors again

      MC 2
      APProgrammer2018 saying KILLERPANDA_123 teaming with hackers is perma ban.

      clear glitch abuse or hack: ProPvP_Man hit thru walls

      MC 3 nothing, disregard video.

      MC 4
      2:30 Joshuacagg123 saying they hack, in his opinion.

      not much more.

      MC 5
      47 s
      glitch abusing or hack: ProPvP_Man hit thru walls

      not much more.

      Like I mentioned, the whole time I heard tnt going off and they arent hitting anything, so I have no clue what glitch it is but you see it being used to destroy my iron doors.

      I also have video proof of Panda going against the deal we made after being paid to leave us alone, which is considered scamming. But we will save that for later.
      Last edited: May 6, 2016
    6. AliensCreatedUs

      AliensCreatedUs Active Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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    7. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      ProPvP_Man was banned for hacks. The rest was not.
    8. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned.
      This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
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