Hello Mineverser's! I know this thread has been made before, but it was gravedug a few months ago, so I decided to make a new one! ^_^ Simply tag your favorite people on Mineverse, and perhaps leave some comments! :D - I'll do mine once I get home from school.
@Theatress @PastelLoser @Bailxy @Annika @Rodeen @Smiley @Lukas08_ @YRVintage -> RIP @Olivxr -> RIP @AthleticPsycho @Mvdi @thorraks @Imperialous @Espin @Its_Shireen @Teddy @PandaBear__ @hurtbyart @Exstatisfy @Dyna_Mighty
@Van @Rodeen @YesOrange @Sitzoum1 @SSMH @BlackZone @BLAZExSTORM @FatFish0110 @SmileyFries @Teddy @Wolfie @Imperialous @AthleticPsycho @Dyna_Mighty @Theatress @Levis @Its_Shireen @Deivid0ze @FearTheKlowns @theXboxcoolguy85 @Foils ;> @ReaperPvPz @Emily_x @Reborn @Scorvix @Arabic_Bear @Kyle. @TADS @Vanishment @Clxrity @DinnaeKen (A lot of Prison players ;3)
@Rodeen @Herf @Imperialous @Valixta @Daniellee @PvP @Arabic_Bear @darkshadow129 @Ares_Xena @Scorvix @Imperturbable_ @WinterWaffles @prins545 @Jayfeather73 @Snowy @TADS @SatisfictionSC @Bailxy @paulainmo @AngryGinger @Espin @TypicalTryhard @hurtbyart @Olivxr @Reborn @Discdog1000 @ItsSniiper @DinoDuck @Jenn @Its_Shireen @Aiim/Regathering @The Hunter @Smiley @YRVintage @SavageGal @thorraks @Coastic @Mvdi @Smiley @Vanishment @Kyle. @Maxamul @PastelLoser @Teddy @Levis Not in order because all of you are my lovelies. <3
@Theatress Ayy @Annika Sis @Levis Bae I luv ur glasses @Imperialous hii @BrokenSoapx cute @Deadly whoa man @canucksfan44 we dont talk much anymore :'( @Daniellee hey taco!!!11!1 @Dewmellon i know u from skyblock ily @IncaMiyuki oo ur awesome @Janice999 nicest warmest person ever -Olaf 2k15 @Jenn Jenny <3 @MissMisconceived ur pretty @magical_raven magii @Sheshy101 hi shushy @MrDrag hii @Mvdi Madii yay @Officially ilysm @Mqrc hey @Valixta Val @Rodeen Rodeenie hru @Vint_(appeal) vinty ur cool @Vanishment duplexy <3 @PvP hi @TypicalTryhard Ur swag Ily all <33
not in order @Methylone @Eman9191 @Sugarlemonademc @tobyranger12 @Tayarific_ @Clxrity @Rodeen @Kyle @AthleticPsycho @YRVintage @JamisMegatron Iizurmom Starminer49 Setgamer Pandaplayer2001 Greenspots1 GamerZ20 @hurtbyart @MR_B3N_123 @Coastic @Alex @Mvdi @thorraks @jarroy @Imperialous @FlamingHades @Theatress @ChiChay Dante Triscuitcafe X_Batmangirl_X BubdaGum Jedikia Ppppppjr TwixPB @EnderStevePigMan @eddieboy360 @Jenn @PopIs_MyLife @Glaadiator @Carolyn @myself