So as you can tell by the title this is some off topic rubbish. I thought it would be a good idea to make burgers so I made them brought them upstairs sat at my computer and looked at a video and I got thirsty, on the way down I saw my brother so I speared him. Then I carried on running downstairs to get my apple juice. *Music intensifies.* Then I sat down and settled to carry on with the video. After about 2 mins I saw the funniest part ever it consisted of a dog barking and someone remixed it so it had like dogs, cats, foxes, sheep and at one part there was a horse just going mad. I found this entertaining and decided to try not to laugh. In an attempt to do so I swallowed some apple juice ( which I was drinking ) and tried to keep a straight face. I failed and the apple juice shot out of my mouth onto the carpet with bits coming out of my nose and I was sick soon after. I hope you enjoyed this 'sector' of my life. I will take this to the grave. See you later :D