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  • Cambo_aka_Alpha's New & Improved Mod App

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Cambo_aka_Alpha, May 16, 2014.

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    1. Cambo_aka_Alpha

      Cambo_aka_Alpha Active Member

      May 14, 2014
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      How old am I?: I am 21

      My in-game name: Cambo_aka_Alpha

      What timezone am I in?: U.S. Standard Mountain Time

      What country do I live in?: The United States

      What languages do I speak?: Only English for now, I am working on learning Spanish and German.

      Why do I think I should become a Mod?: I believe I should become a Moderator because I have not missed a day of playing on Mineverse in over 3 months and have not EVER hacked and or disobey the rules of the server. If I were to become a Moderator I would do nothing but help everyone in need, or who is struggling with a situation. Also, If I were to take role as a Mod I would protect and watch over every server I am on, making sure everyone stays in-tact and obeys the rules of Mineverse. I have always been a thoughtful and have always been a man of the people, always wanting to help someone or everyone. When Playing on the Mineverse Server I have witnessed many people struggle with situations no one seems to know, although no one seems to know i always try and help anyways. For example: Once I was on the server building my sky block and then comes along another player, he spammed for 10 minutes asking, "How do I lock and then unlock my island?" No one would answer. So of course I tried to help, the very first thing I did was: /island info, then it brought up a page on commands for my sky block world. One of them was how to lock and unlock and island. I then told him how to do it. He thanked me and stopped spamming the comments.

      Another reason I want to be a Mod is because I want to set people straight and encourage them to do the right thing. It is very hard to correct people for their mistakes, it's one of the hardest things to do. Especially over the Internet, I mean who would listen to some 14 year-old kid who has barely experienced anything in life? Basically no one, although it is very tough I still stick to what I am doing until I can make some change. Even if I have to compromise with them. Having to write all of this just to become a Moderator is very tough, especially explaining why I want to become a Mod. So let me just Sum it up into a few simple words. I just want to HELP people with anything they need. That is all I ever wanted to do. ::))

      Many people love to spam and keep spamming until they get their answer, not me, if I do not get the answer withing the first 30 seconds I wait and wait until either asks "what?" or until someone messages me. I don't like being rude, in fact when I was a child I was taught to have the best of manners. To this day I will never be rude unless I am extremely frustrated, and that rarely happens. I am very patient with people, I don't like to be angry, so I don't get angry easily. Some people may get on my nerve but I never once "snap" at them. Even if I don't become a Mod, I will still always be there to help.

      How long can I be active on the server everyday?: I can be on Mineverse for 5 Hours a day, do to my work hours, also, I am Always on all of the servers.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?: Since it first came out, but have recently played everyday for the last 3 months and have voted everyday for the past 3 months. I LOVE Mineverse.:p

      Do I have any past experience as a moderator?: Yes I have Been a Moderator on 3 other servers, 1 being a friend of the owner. Unfortunately all of the servers I was Mod on were all on 1.6.4 and 1.6.2, and want to stay on those versions because they want the people using the server to be able to have mods and to have fun with the mods:confused:
      Last edited: May 16, 2014
    2. lrobbo_

      lrobbo_ Active Member

      Mar 31, 2014
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      Sorry but I still think you need a bit more detail & colours! Still %40 Support
    3. Cambo_aka_Alpha

      Cambo_aka_Alpha Active Member

      May 14, 2014
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      How do you change color?
    4. Kubasliz.

      Kubasliz. Experienced Member

      Apr 8, 2014
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      This Application Is now a lot Better so ,Support :)
      Last edited: May 29, 2014
    5. lrobbo_

      lrobbo_ Active Member

      Mar 31, 2014
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      Up at the top, there is an underlined A Like A Highlight the word and change the Colour
    6. lrobbo_

      lrobbo_ Active Member

      Mar 31, 2014
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      Check out my application!
    7. Cambo_aka_Alpha

      Cambo_aka_Alpha Active Member

      May 14, 2014
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      Ok I rewrote my Application... it is very hard.
    8. Mineterria

      Mineterria Boss Member

      Dec 23, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Good luck.
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