Super Mario World is a game for the SNES, or the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It is a game that is commonly played in the mario franchise for speedrunning, due to many glitched and bugs in the game that almost (to some) "improve" the aspects of the game. Aspects such as Shell Jumping, P(-Switch)-Jumping, Spring Glitching (Bouncing on a spring while it's moving to gain forward AND upward momentum rather than only the latter), Cloud/Orb glitching, credits warp, etc. For those that don't know, Super Mario World runs on ASM, or Assembly code. We can use an assembler to edit the ROM of the SMW game, and then use Lunar Magic as an easy way to edit it if only simple hacks want to be made. Alternatively, you can also edit the ROM directly, but that's more tedious and a lot harder to do. ROM hacks are unique in the sense of a similarity to Super Mario Maker, except you can customize music and your own sprites/blocks. ----- Recently, I have been dedicating a lot of my time into hacking the SMW ROM, creating a new version; "Lap's Wraith; Puzzle Mario". I have been streaming myself attempting to beat it, and after countless hours, I have finally finished. I have uploaded videos of myself beating them, and the final two are the most impressive by far. My channel is LappySheep, incase you are wondering. ----- Alternatively, you can view EXTREME acts of speedrunning ROM hacks by watching TAS-ers beat ROM hacks. TAS is Tool-Assisted Speedrun, and it is completely fair to use. It is basically an emulator that allows you to use savestates and speed-ups/downs to assist with gameplay. You can also use certain emulators like BizHawk to edit inputs to write out a series of processor instructions that the game follows. You can do this in two ways - the TAS format, where you edit inputs that the game follows via keyboard/snes controller inputs, or - LUA scripts, that edit the way the game is read. An example of an EXTREME ROM hack TAS is shadowdragon121TASer's "TAS Item Abuse 3 in 7:05:47", a ROM hack made by PangaeaPanga that took 3 years to perfect, test and upload. Unfortunately, Nintendo claimed a copyright content ID on Panga's video, so his one is down. I hope those of you that enjoy speedrunning look out for this. On-Topic - You CAN infact make speedruns of minecraft. I believe the world record (to kill e-dragon) is about 6-7 minutes.
Watch 2 vids: 1. PangaeaPanga's Item Abuse 3 TAS'd by shadowdragon121TASer: TAS Item Abuse 3 in 7:05.47 - YouTube 2. My ROM Hack - Lap's Wraith; Puzzle Mario, Final Level: Level XIV + XV (Combined) (Lap's Wraith; Puzzle Mario) - The Final Level - YouTube
Nice to know someone apart from me finds it interesting. It's actually SO difficult to explain how mario works to people because they all assume it works as if it's just a sprite forcing an action... "wth" what happened m8?
So they make these modded versions of the same game am I right? I'm not familiar with the original game so I can't tell what's changed but I assume it's some of the items and things that Mario does?