Hi this is Jarheadboy, I am almost new here because you dont see me that often. So I was wondering how to make people like you. So I am wondering if you could comment in what I should do
Just be yourself and be friendly c= Sure, there are times to be serious and all, just be yourself. Reach out to others and try to talk to them.~
Be friendly! and dont be a ddoser, boom everyone loves you! Lol I'm joking about the ddos part, people are nice to ddosers so they dont get hit off, if you encounter one just act like the bigger person! Anyways you're cool, ill follow you now!
I was always told "Treat others the way you would like to be treated." Basically, just be generous to others then individuals will tend to like being around you. :P
Make an Apololgy or Quitting thread then comeback a week later and still be the same person as you where before hand...
To get people to like you. It's honestly a question you have to ask yourself, and nobody else. Sure, people can give you some tips here and there, but, what you want to do is to show people who you are. Make sure it's your real self and nothing fake. If you show yourself to be someone that is fake, then you can't actually make a "real" friend. The friendship wouldn't be real, nor would it be based on trust.
Depends what gamemode tbh. Different communities on different gamemodes. On OPPvP it seems like you have to be salty, rude and good at PvP. On survival you should be friendly. On creative you should be kind and creative (Do your best) That's just what I've noticed, may not always be accurate.
Just be yourself, introduce yourself to people and respect all users. If someone doesn't like you, it's their loss.