Not accepted. You accused my of afk grinding on OpFactions and then say I hack on OpPvP. Please, this is bs. You just want people to forgive you so you can have access to their grindersrs/items.
Oh and not to mention, you try to raid everyone's grinders you get in to. You are sad trying to make an apology when you really don't mean anything.
FOR BEING HONEST? LOLLLL RUN BB BOI RUN, you tried to raid 3 of grinders, 2 bases, and 4 pot vaults AND tried to change my acc info at one point, YOU AINT TRUSTWORTHY
I dislike you, in all honesty. You probably have the same feelings towards me. I have NOT seen ANY change at all, within you.
Wait what? xD I've never hated you, I remember raiding with you.. It's me Boxman if you don't know :P
You have never disrespected me or done anything against me so I don't see the harm in giving you a chance.