I’ve been debating about leaving the server, as much as it pains me, for a while now. I have finally came to the choice that it is best that I do leave, but not before I tell all of you that I’m leaving, because I need this positive attention in my life. I’m not intelligent enough and I clearly the skills in manipulation to make people adore me, so I’ll just seek attention and hope that the masses of pre-teen males dive on me because I’m a female and being a gamer girl you all should bow at my feet. Leaving hasn’t been easy on me. It was a decision that I couldn’t take lightly, you understand that? Regardless, I’ll be leaving and no, before you ask, I’ll not be logging in on an alt at all and no, I’ll not be leaving the forums, because I need people to comment on my profile and I need to drag this attention-seeking façade out as long as possible. If you don’t believe me that I’m actually leaving, you can just /seen me in-game and you’ll instantly realise that I have left and that I’ll never be back, as I am leaving… permanently. I’m honestly crying right now, I don’t want to leave you guys, my friends. If I didn’t make such a public thread about me quitting, despite the fact that I could have easily logged off the forums, people wouldn’t know that I have left and because I’m really irrelevant, I need people to know. As you know, I have almost every single mental illness in the world, and even a few undiscovered ones, and that I’m also suffering from a disease that could kill me at any second. My life is in ruins and I fear that no one likes me because I am a pathetic, little whiny child who needs attention. I may come back in three days or so and I’ll repeat this process another three times before the masses realise that I’m attention-seeking and then I’ll make another thread claiming that I have MPD and that it was my second personality that did this and that I’m going to kill myself because of all this hate. I’m going to tag all the people that I care about now, because I need them to see this thread via a notification and then to like this post and beg me to stay.
Good bye, Zamb. :( You were a great Mineverse Member which will never be forgiven, I wish you the best of luck in your further life, babai!
Even though you probably hate me, I'll miss you, and I will always remember you as the Queen of Savage. I like how you made it very long and sad ;p I wonder how many people will fall to this joke
Best of luck in your future endeavours. Hope you'll be in good health, have fun and enjoy life as it is! Good luck! You're always welcome back in Mineverse.