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  • Fluxninja Mod app ;D

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Ziipper, May 15, 2014.

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    1. Ziipper

      Ziipper Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2014
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      mod app

      over the years i have tested out many servers i was 1 of those kids that struggled to find the perfect server. As i was on minecraftserver.org i came across this server as i came on i was greeted by many people then i knew this i was going to stay on. over the months i realized that i should donate to show my support for the server {i wanted the server to grow and grow.} 1 of my hobbies is to play on this server because i am always greeted by amazing people. i have made many friends on this server and want to stop the HACKERS! everyone person that reads this i would be so great full to u ;) show support and how i could improve
      thx noob crew for making this server ;D
      questions Time

      how old are u??
      i have just turned 13 years of age i know u will think that i am not mature enough but i am ready for the challenge.

      how long have u played on this server for ??
      well i have most prob played on this server for about 4 to 5 months

      your in-game name??

      what time zone are u in??
      GMT sorry for being short on that

      what country do u live in??
      united kingdom {England}

      what languages do u speak???
      my mane language is English but i learn German in school and
      i am top group for it, i can speak some french {not the best at it tho :D}

      have u been banned from this server??
      i have not been banned form this server at all and i
      would never dream of hacking because
      i love this server too much

      why do u think you should become a mod ??

      i think i should be because i know what it feels like to be killed
      by a hacker i am 1 of them people who will complain. there are lots of
      hackers out there. Most of them are thinking i am going to get spotted hacking and
      i want to be 1 of the who has to power to ban the hackers. I respect players,
      they can do what they want it is there minecraft but i don't want them to do it on this server.
      i am helpful and willing to help people who needs help. I would never abuse the powers
      of being a mod i just want mineverse to grow and grow in a couple of years i can say
      after all my hard work with other people help we have made the server massive and a HACK-FREE SERVER. i am checking the forums for posts of hackers and seeing them banned
      I want to be able to do that and i always make the right choices on what to do

      how long can u be active every day??

      i am on this server every day playing on all the mini servers.
      mon to fri about 3-5 hours
      sat-sun about 4-7 hours
      if i am not on the server i am always looking at the forums checking what is going on
      it sounds freaky this is the only server i play on really all my server got deleted and a only added this server back on because i love soo much.

      have u been a mod before??

      yes i ahve done a mod app before for a server and it got accept by the owner
      after a couple of month the server had been shut down
      by the owner because he was finding it hard to keep the server up and

      abou me ;D

      i am a helpful person most of my mates say i am helpful towards them
      what the need help on i will help them what ever it is. since joining the server i have made a
      team and many of them i skype some times
      i like playing football and minecraft . i am always happy to help u
      i always happy :)
      thank u for reading :D

      :) don't forget to support plz :)
    2. __TNUK__

      __TNUK__ Active Member

      Dec 14, 2013
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      Should I support or not NO No support for 2 reasons.

      1. You use to disrespect me on kitpvp.

      2. You hack.
    3. Ziipper

      Ziipper Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2014
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      How u be nasty to me ... u swear at me Plus u have been banned as well u can check my comp for hacks abd u will not find any so... plz unwatch this thread now .... and i would not make this app if i hack
    4. __TNUK__

      __TNUK__ Active Member

      Dec 14, 2013
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      That's what the all say and you can't force me to unwatch this sorry
    5. Layers12

      Layers12 Experienced Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Hmm it looks abit unproffesional with "u" instead of "you"
    6. Mineterria

      Mineterria Boss Member

      Dec 23, 2013
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      Good luck. :)
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