How to easily get mod Here are some simple steps at how to obtain Moderator rank. Step 1: Be nice to everyone for at least a month before post your application (includes helping people out), this means no 'no supporting' other people Mod apps, it just looks bad. While I was applying I refrained from commenting on any else’s Mod apps unless to support because I didn’t want to start a flame war. This also means your ‘New Member’ tag should be gone and forgotten (For new people). Note: Ranks on the forums are just teens trying to popular, you don’t need “active member” to be chosen. Step 2: Report as many people as you can, but make sure they a correct. It looks good if you report people because that’s basically what you do when you’re a mod except you skip the report part and just ban, then log the evidence. Lots of correct reports is key. Step 3: Be noticed in-game, this doesn’t mean go to /staff and follow every mod you see and annoy them. Every now and then be in a game mode with a mod, help out in chat, say hi (not too much) but don’t get in the Mods way, they could be helping someone in private chat and you might annoy them by interrupting them doing their job. This step is tricky, it’s really about finding the right balance of being noticed but not annoying. Step 4: Write your Mod app, this is simpler than you might think. Most people are silly and waffle on about how they are funny and can type fast, like seriously no one cares. I’d say my Mod App is a good example but that would be biased, Make sure you read a lot of accept apps so you know what you should be typing about. Get to the point but in not too small amount of words(lol). Note there are some handicapped people out there that need colours on your app for them to even consider it, just slide some non to eye hurting colours in. Key: Don’t lie, if you don’t have experience being a Mod, don’t fake it, @Pile will find out. Also own up and apologise to any previous bans, otherwise someone will call you out on it. Step 5: Show you mod app to your friends first, worst thing that could happen is you miss spell a few words and people no support you about it. Step 6: Post your app! A simple title will do [Chosen Prefix][IGN]’s - Moderator Application. No amount of pointless silly text symbols will help. Tell people, try not to spam the link across the chat in-game. People won’t like if you do that and will most likely give you a ton a no support. Step 7: Continue to report and be nice to people. Bump your app by saying thank you to people rather than writing “bump”. It looks more professional and keeps it clean. Even if you wait 48hrs to say thank you to someone it still looks better than a “Bump”. Grats! You’re a Mod.
So if I'm a really mean person but I want mod, I can just be a really nice person to obtain the position? You seem very sarcastic in this thread Torch.
I don't know if your being sarcastic. but overall good for people who have just joined the forums and are like I WANT TO BE MOD and they make a read saying im really nice person so can I have mod?. overall pretty good I guess.
Tbh I didn't do more than half of this before I was promoted. Everyone has different tactics, if you know what I mean. Good guide, though.
Settle down, being nice gains people trust most of the time, also makes you look good. Common sense. Alex you are a super human so idk There is some sarcasim I guess, not sure about the rest of your comment, finding it hard to understand, maybe reword it?
"Note: Ranks on the forums are just teens trying to popular, you don’t need “active member” to be chosen." !!!
I'm saying it is handy for people that are brand new to the server and just decide to make a really bad moderator app. when someone clicks on this it show them some affective tips and sets them up for a good reputation.
Ah makes sense now. Also this will help more people get mod meaning the server will be more protected from them naughty rule breakers
Elrak was demoted and he's a lovely person. Being demoted doesn't matter. Also you don't even know why I was demoted LOL.
he gets it from himself lol torch was nice when he got mod and right after he left the team he became rude and ignorant everyone be like torch
If you see it in such a negative light I won’t judge you, everyone has their opinions. This was me before I came mod, I just locked the "You disrespect me, I disrespect you" attitude out when I became Mod, It’s what you do when you are given a position of power, I respected that and never abused those powers. I don’t cuss or harass anyone just a little tap on the shoulder to tell them that they are out of line, this tap can come in many forms sadly. When I resigned I was going to make a resignation thread, but then Fryzigg resigned so I refrained for the attention to let her have her glory instead of me, I did this because she was never rude to me or disrespectful. If you think I’ll give that same curtesy to someone who is rude to me you’ve got to be kidding yourself.