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  • Mv needs help.

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Exy, Apr 24, 2016.

    1. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      Hello, probably a lot of you will disagree on this or just say it's because of me.

      I've been talking to a few of my old friends on this server over Skype, Kik and snapchat, I've been sent screenshots etc of this server being so toxic to each other, people think they can overrule this server with toxicity, it's so annoying to see everything being so cruel and disrespectful to me or others without being provoked, as Wbc said on my Sorry Thread that I'm the "scum of mineverse" he said that under hatred, not being provoked, and he's applying for staff? Nah, people who provoke people for unknown reasons then apply for staff are just trying to make themselves look "good" in front of the community, but in reality they aren't who they say they are, I noticed one of the most toxic people on KitPvP and OP PvP was promoted to mod, not gonna point out names, I'm just mentioning, this staff team could use some real help.

      Let's move onto some problems.

      Mods can't take over perm bans anymore if the banning moderator is extremely inactive when they used to be able too, they can't perm ban they have to request it now, most ban appeals get denied due to the victim just coming off forums then the banning moderator denies the appeal due to inactivity, I find this stupid, it's not fair on the victim to appeal, wait for almost a month for even a question "why did you break the rules" or something like that, then they have to wait again for it... It's outrageous.

      I know some of the staff try there very best to help out this server, I've hated on some, you lot have too, I'm not denying it, but I have due to the fact some mods did nothing to help etc, I used to be trash talked to everyday on OPFactions for being myself, it's so annoying how some people can just get away with their actions on this server.

      I think there should be a chance for everyone to change as there is, I'm trying to change myself, but some people keep being themselves and provoking everyone, they need to be kept a eye on.

      Mini-mods, this is becoming a problem with the newly applying people, they go from the servers trash talker to a mini-mod when there application is open, instead of reporting the user for "language, disrespect, profanity" they tell them in-game what gives them hate.

      Thank you for taking your time to read this, if you wish for me to add anything else, just ask me too.
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    2. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Moderators are doing their best to help the server, so are Cyp and Crew. Making threads like this may encourage people to help the server more, but people are trying their best.
    3. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      Threads like these solve nothing. If you have an issue with a staff member(s) make a report. That's the only way anything can be done.
    4. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      I know there trying to help.
      I've noticed this toxicity a lot though, nobody has made a thread on it so I did.

      I didn't say I had a problem, I'm stating this thread about all the toxicity on the server and something needs to be done about it.
      Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2016
    5. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      That's the only way anything can be done.
    6. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      I'm not saying it isn't I'm just hoping this thread helps us or encourage our community to help more.
    7. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      It doesn't really most of the time Mods take this as an insult they are trying their best and this does nothing to encourage them.
    8. 1991

      1991 Experienced Member

      Jan 31, 2014
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      You can't stop mini-modding, they're so cute when they think they're important/relevant.
    9. TADS

      TADS Guest

      I logged on just to respond to your hate thread.
      First of all, let's get this straight, it's THEIR, not THERE.
      Actually, they are allowed to.
      However, there are requirements that need to be met in order for them to take over.
      Not going to go into detail, might be leaking information.
      Anyways, why wouldn't another moderator be allowed to take over?
      And the way you're putting it, you make it seem like a head-mod isn't allowed to take over for them.
      I'm not going to lie here, I've seen this happen many times.
      And yes, it is saddening to see it happen, as they never log on again.
      But still, they would be allowed to make another appeal when they log back on; nothing says they're not allowed to.
      That would mainly be in extreme cases, such as perm bans.
      If it's a temp-ban, the appeal will be active for up to 5 days after the member has logged out/the staff member has replied.
      See, you continue to pick on staff.
      Before you were perm banned, you were a disrespectful person, towards almost everyone!
      There has been no change in you!
      Sure, everyone has the staff member/ex-staff they like the most/least.
      But that doesn't mean you have to go out of your way just to pick on them.
      I find it ironic, as you were one of the main trash talkers on the forums and in-game.
      You have no room to talk at all.
      Everyone is given the same chance to prove themselves, it's just how they use the given opportunity.
      Okay, rant inside a rant.

      They're trying their best to help out the server, and people like you make threads like these trying to get them to stop.
      Sure, there may be a limit that some of them past, but still.
      Mini-modding is allowed, as it always has been.
      If it annoys you, leave!
      There is nothing stopping you from hitting the disconnect button.
      I've seen many instances of people who are trying their best to help the server, and they're being harassed.
      It's just disgraceful to see things like this happen.
      Why does it matter if mini-mods try to help?
      I'm not a moderator, nor are most of us.
      But yesterday, @MissMisconceived was being harassed on Parkour by some of the players.
      We're allowed to step-in and help them.

      You bring everything towards you, you made this thread indirectly asking for hate.
      Welp, you sure got the hate.
      Go ahead and dislike my post, or attempt to reply to this with some "logical reasons"
      There are no logical reasons for your arguments, over 90% of the things you say are contradictory.

      Okay, that's all I have to say, peace.
    10. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      Actually, I have mate, also you can't say anything yet you ban evaded to get me banned off opfacs <3.

      I really don't care if I get hate, I'm used to it unlike some people on this server, people leave because they get a age leak, so immature, the server is corrupted with people who give no respect to the rules such as DDoSers, hackers etc, I notice how you only stayed onto my "mod" part, not the other parts about the DDoS situations? No, because ya'know the mods won't do anything about them, ban them etc because they'll be DDoS'd, how do I know this? Because CIASnipez has been DDoSing mods trying to get unbanned, it worked twice, might work again, who knows.
    11. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      Unfortunately, toxicity will always be here. It's something that comes with being on the Internet. Though it's much worse here than on some servers, there's not a whole lot we can do apart from what we already are. Be as active as we can preventing it before it happens.

      Instead of complaining about these problems Mineverse has, it'd help if you suggested ways to improve it. We appreciate all ideas to improve how the server is run.
    12. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      It's not easy for me to change, I've slowly changed but I'm slowly changing, so you just need to give me time and my last ban was for around 3-4months for excessive disrespect as now I'm trying to control it.
    13. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      I'm laughing to this.

      I haven't been active enough on forums for you to notice me to change, the person who changed and trying to change is me and you, you used to be the kind one, not me I'm trying U change my ways as I take it slow, rushing a change can just back fire.
    14. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      I don't understand how any of this is actually going to help the situation..

      This is pathetic and unnecessary. All I see that's coming from this is hate and attention, and doesn't solve the toxicity, the hackers, the rule-breakers, etc. If you want some change, maybe do some changing yourself.
    15. AnaxAvp

      AnaxAvp Active Member

      Dec 22, 2013
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      If players can see the obvious toxicity then obviously the moderators can see it as well and I don't doubt for a second that they are doing what they can to help resolve and make everyone happy, this thread is pretty much taking the obvious and emphasizing it more then it needs to be. ;)
    16. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      Agreed. :)

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