Hey, this is just a post for your guys honest Opinion. Please tell me the Reason and tell me how I can improve. Do you think I will have a good chance of becoming a Moderator? I am asking this question because I am thinking about applying, I love this amazing community. I have been here for more than 2 years now. I have made so many new memories. Who remembers when @ScoFu13 was Head-Moderator Good days. I love the New Staff team to congrats to @Smiley , @Cotner , @NoMoreSanity , @Payable , @Vanishment and @Clxrity to there Promotions. I hope one day I can help the Community like they do. Thank you guys for your amazing work. Please leave feedback on this Question. I will still apply. Look Forward to that. Have a amazing day ~WannaSkype
May I ask why you think that because I do not use a Hack Client since I have changed my IGN Since I have changed my Character and View of Mineverse. If you do not believe me simply Visit My YT Channel @ WannaSkype but thanks for your opinion.
even when they post it like this? -> hi i em 6 years olt and i my gramer is fery good, i will do my best if i biekom moderejtor, i wont sej my ign bc i wil get haket
LOL , but everyone has a chance they just have to put effort into there Application and take is seriously
Of coarse I will not apply at this very Moment, it does not take 2 weeks to change ;) Congrats on Mod
I am very active on the Forums... and In-Game. I am will and I am determined to changed my attitude for the Better
I also play Prison if your into that and I hope on from game mode to game mode I dont really have a Home Server