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  • Being a moderator in MineVerse [Str]

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by StrKillr, Apr 22, 2016.

    1. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Great thread.

      I don't really understand, because when I was a moderator on a server roughly the same size as Mineverse with @IncaMiyuki & @Kyylie, I never received such hate and threats. I never felt afraid to come along, and never feared when the next threat would come.
      It's different on Minevere, though. Completely different.
      The toxicity and hate that comes from a portion of this community is putrid. I fear for the moderators who have to go online everyday and be hated, disrespected, and threatened. It's really sad because a good portion of this community is great, but the other parts? No so much. I come online nowadays to see public drama and hate towards other people, and it honestly disgusts me to an extreme proportion.

      I encourage the moderators on here to ignore such hate, as at the end of the day, it is a game. These people that cause such issues are people who surround themselves in a hateful persona, and love to express that towards those who work hard to keep this server stable. Ignore these people as their silly insults are meaningless, and riddled with hate and ignorance.
      - Keep up the great work, I don't know how these guys do it. :)
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    2. Squadzinq

      Squadzinq Active Member

      May 9, 2014
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      Agreed, people need to give more respect to the mods
    3. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      The moderators and other staff are completely what make this server possible to run smoothly every single day we have on here. A lot of people take this for granite and that's not right at all. Throughout the time I moderated I didn't get a lot of hate on me but when I did see it targeting to other mods I completely understood what they were going through. I was told when I was mod to make sure to always never click suspicious or shortened links as they could have been ip loggers, also to always use my VPN. All I need to say about that is that it is pretty pathetic people need to Dox/DDoS people over a block game. This game is for all of us to have fun but the problem is we have those curtain people who like to ruin the fun and enjoyment for everyone. Most also may think "oh that mineverse has the most hackers" You're wrong, I've been a part of many amazing comuand they all have hackers, no matter where you go! The only thing to do is to record, upload and then report them. I know they can get alts, but we should be ip banning. Another thing is yes, if we ip ban them and if they get a VPN yes they can ban evade but most need to understand that nothing can be done about this, people, kids, adults, teens will hack on this game, It's not very hard to get good at the game but people don't realize that. Practice makes perfect, people just don't understand that so they're like "I must hack!" which is honestly so pathetic in my opinion. I remember Minecraft back in 2014 when it wasn't as toxic at all and everyone got along chat wise. Now it has turned into quite a lot of a hell hole. I just wish this game would go back to the way it was but that can't happen because thousands of people on this game cause toxicity. Just remember that the mods and the other staff do more then you may think and don't disrespect that. That's my point on things.
    4. Krissy

      Krissy Boss Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Its just a trend to hate on staff because people are to dense to take responsibility for their own actions.
      They have no tolerance to mistakes and zero understanding of patience.
      It is all "Me me me me me" and less of caring there is one mod to about 300 players generally so it cannot always be about them.
      They are jealous because they are not staff.
      They don't care about the rest of the server, they want mods demoted for selfish reasons then end up complaining later on theres not enough staff.

      I just think staff hate and this attitude towards mods is pathetic.
      Its ok to hate a staff member, just don't publicly state and shame. There is no need to consistently be a salty jerk towards staff in general.
      It is pointless.
      • Like Like x 1
    5. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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    6. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      I have had to suffer as a moderator because of dense and self-centred people [Edit], who tried to bring me down and report me for some of the stupidest things ever, like not getting evidence before verbally warning someone. [Edit]
    7. Miyukii

      Miyukii Well-Known Member

      Oct 5, 2015
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      True, I often watched over that server's prison gamemode and I very rarely had someone who was actually mad at me. More often than not, if someone was annoyed it was because I or another staff member wasn't there to deal with a rule breaker, not because they were mad at ME for just doing my job.
    8. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      The pressure of being a moderator does tend to get to us at times, we have to deal with so much, some good and some bad. We all do the best job we can possibly do to make the server a better place. Some players can't see it from our perspective, being called 'a horrible mod' 'an abusive mod' makes us feel down about ourselves to the point where we can't continue anymore. Yeah at times we can get bans wrong, screw up etc. But we always learn from our mistakes and that's what makes us better people and a better team.

      I agree and disagree you you.
      I wouldn't say the server is corrupt or needs help, yes I agree some moderators in the past have screwed up, but that doesn't mean we're all bad mods. When I first became a mod I was unsure of a few of the hacks as well, but overtime I became better, I'm now very independent and can stand for myself.

      I'm sorry you feel this way about the mods, PvPKings, but I think they are all doing an amazing job right now.

      There are always going to be people on servers that will try and bring people down, hack, ddos etc. But I believe some day it will change on here, we have an amazing group of players and staff that are willing to help out to try fix this. Sadly some people can see how we work to try and make this a better place.

      People hate on staff for multiple reasons, some because they have nothing better to do, maybe their friends got banned and they're angry, the player and staff member have history of disliking each other and many more reasons. I do find it sad that sometimes players don't have trust in the staff team, we do know what we are doing and we already have enough pressure on us, we don't need to get called horrible, abusive mods.

      This is just my opinion/perspective :)
    9. Fuse

      Fuse Experienced Member

      Jun 10, 2014
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      Mods are the best people to have fun with. @StrKillr just got me banned on kitpvp for some retarded reason :D. Cheers bro XD (not being sacarstic)
    10. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      Respect a mod don't complain about how fast they do things or how they do it. how about you put yourself in their position People
    11. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      Yeah some mods can't tell hacks, I've seen a report on Foils for hacking I slowed the video down and it was clear hacks but the staff team put there friends first or cannot tell hacks and just deny it without having another moderator take a look for there opinion.
    12. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      I'll give you one valid reason people hate moderators. Moderators are the ones who have to ban the hackers, scammers, ddosers, and all around malicious people on a daily basis. More so than often a player who cares is upset to banned and gains a strong hate for staff. Let me ask one thing, if they cared so much, why were they hacking in the first place? Mods make mistakes and if you see they have made one with your ban, simply appeal. If they continue to deny it, bring it to me or pile.

      Some people forget there are head mods here. Pile and I are here to lead the team and deal with the justice system on the server. I am not biased towards any staff member. If they abuse, they are out. That is non tweak able. I deal with inactivity. In fact, I just made some reforms to ensure the activity on this team. It is not up to the players to worry about moderator activity. The reports, appeals, and moderation forum reports all get handled. As much as the haters like to thing, the team is not dying.

      I can tell you one thing, if a player is disrespectful to me or any staff member, they are off the server. I or others did not sign up to be abused. It is bound to happen by the way this server works however. That is why we have rules and punishment guidelines.
      • Like Like x 1
    13. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Couldn't say it better than you did, can you be my dad? xD
      Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2016
    14. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Agreed, besides they volunteered to help us.
    15. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Some reasons why people don't like and like Moderators:
      • They want power, and they can't get it
      • They think you abuse
      • The people whom they "No support"ed got promoted
      • They find that Moderators AFK at a certain server/at Lobby and they think you're not doing your job
      • They just want to bring you guys down
      • They find that after their friend became a Mod, he/she's been distancing from them (I've heard this from my friend, not going to mention names.)
      • They understand you guys work hard
      • Some of the Mods are their friends
      • They find your job is done really well
      • Pure respect. It may not be because of a certain reason, it's because Cyp trusts you with the position, so we should trust you guys. Respect doesn't come for free though.
      Summarises some of the opinions.
    16. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      I sometimes see moderators receive minor hate, and 99% of the time it is dealt with properly. But this thread really shows the amount of hate moderators get without the rest of the community knowing. I didn't even know about all this hate because when I was mod people rarely got angry at me (in front of me/to my face), and I never received a threat of any sort. Hearing all these stories makes me thankful for how lucky I was to have an unhateful time moderating mineverse.

      It's really a shame that there are moderators who receive so much hate, just for helping the server they care for. And for trying their best to make it a good place.
    17. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      You; the moderators, all do an amazing job.
      This server wouldn't be where it is if it wasn't for the staff team. Anybody who disrespects a moderator is clearly just a rule breaker and doesn't understand what the actual position of a moderator holds, and the time and effort that is put into the job. The only reason players disrespect you is due to their inability to follow simple rules.

      I don't know HOW the owners do it, yet they genuinely choose some of the best staff members there are, whether the staff are just quick learners, or whether they're intelligence is in-humanely high. ;) I don't know :p

      Thanks for your service, to all moderators.
    18. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      Agree. I've seen tons of screenshots of mod disrespect. it sickens me.
    19. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      I got a lot of hate too for random reasons like not unbanning people when they didn't appeal, for muting/banning peoples friends and such. When I first became a mod and went into factions everyone gave me hate. As I started playing the gamemodes where I got the most hate I started getting liked more and more. I guess the people are just tired of seeing so many hackers in a gamemode and not many mod's coming on for hours at a time so they start to hate on the mods.
    20. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      You disrespect the mods sometimes, well atleast you used to.. I hope you can provide the change you want to see happen to the rest of the community as well.
      Anyways people are always going to hate on staff, they are just jealous! Some people dont have what it takes to be staff. The staff on this server volunteered for such responsibility and they got chosen! The owner of this server chose them because he believes they can handle it, the community here doesnt come to senses to realize that they are helping either way and they need to stop hating because they are trying their hardest.
      Honestly for the amount of disrespect a staff gets im surprised the punishment isnt "Harder"...
      Anyways shame on the community, you guys need to learn to have some respect.

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