So guys comment your best memory that you have. my best memory was when I went to the goldcoast (queensland) and went to dreamworld, movieworld, wet n wild and SeaWorld. because the rides where amazing and different it was a life changing experience ;).
My best memory is when I went bodysurfing down the stairs. (It looked so cool in Home Alone) At the time I was only one year old.
when my irl best friend & I went to an amusement park and I pushed her into a guy she thinks is cute ;') :P
My best memory is when at lunch in my school this guy named Sam started coughing on anyone who interrupted him and I had tears of laughter. :tearsofjoy:
Story Time with Glub! Starring: @Herf and @thorraks The story: It was a normal day on kitpvp with all of us in ts, we all knew CypriotMerkz was on. We didn't know he was going to promote, out of curiosity Herf asked, "Do you think I will get promoted?" to thorraks. Thorraks replied with a straight forward answer "No." After that we played KitPvP for a good 5 minutes. Then Herf said "Cypriot made me mod!" Thor and I knew he was joking but just in case I checked, and he didn't have mod, at least not yet. So we played for another five minutes till Herf said, "Cyp made me mod, no kidding!" We both thought he was joking from the last time, but I still checked. This time Herf was Mod. You could here Herf's high pitched screaming and excitement in his voice. The chat flooded with Congrats regarding Herf. Herf was very happy and I was in disbelief, but I was very excited my best friend on Mineverse, ever got Mod, and I witnessed it.