PLZ help guys i cant join mienverse!!! every day after 6pm it not let me join! it just say cant connect to server!!! i try evertthing they put like delete or restard minecraft but nothing! i use now plz help!!! i can connect every other server but no mineverse
piggywiggy request a staff member to move this to help, contact [email protected] hif @Levis suggestion doesn't work
Try searching the error on youtube there could be a fix. If not try reinstalling minecraft or try any of these servers.
"After 6pm" That's parental control. Your parents have set up some sort of restriction where you're not allowed to play Mineverse after 6:00PM. This is not something Mineverse can fix.
no they did not do that i cannot join now but when i restart my computer i can join but then after a long time like when i go offline i come back i cannot join
no they did not do that i cannot join now but when i restart my computer i can join but then after a long time like when i go offline i come back i cannot join