As a senior member of minecraft and all its greatness, I have come to form new pet peeves as I travel down the road. I would like to know what pet peeves YOU have about minecraft (meaning hacking, spamming, annoying, strafing, etc.), Mine I would say are hackers, just kids who need clients to be better than everyone because they have no skill and don't take the time to get it
He's the guy who made this thread 3 days ago. And if you have to ask me that, you shouldn't be calling yourself a senior member.
I think you have misunderstood me, I said senior of minecraft IN GENERAL not mineverse. And I'm sorry I don't go back in look at every thread since 3 days ago.
i hate people with really idiotic usernames especially those with "HD, YT, PVP, or Q's in place of a's and o's"
Any 11 year old can be experienced at minecraft, it's not much of an accomplishment. And since you are on the forums, you should be checking the recent threads to make sure you are not duping any threads, as it clutters the forums.
No. Incase you didn't read, my point was that being experienced on minecraft is not an accomplishment, as it can easily be done by anyone. Recent is 3 days ago. If the thread was older than 31 days, then you can make another one, as replying to the older one would be grave digging. But you just decided to dupe a thread instead. You also didn't "check", as the original thread was on the second page of the Off-Topic section. So please do not lie.
I never said it was the world to be a senior of minecraft, in case you didn't read. Recent is more like 1 hour ago, or 1 day ago, not half a week. And to let you know I joined this 12 days ago, I did not know even this users PROFILE much more than a single thread out of many, and I'm sure I'm not gonna go look for his/her thread just incase i'd come across someone annoying like you, and I'm not lieing you just are so ignorant that you think I have the time to freaking look at tons of threads.
People with 'xx' in their ign People who only write things in the laziest way possible (Example: i dont like u bcoz u said i was dum b4") People that say "do your job" People who say any of the following words after a good pvp fight; ez, skid, kid, rekt People who use the word as an insult Squeakers that swear excessively
When you are attacking a base in bedwars/eggwars and another team (eg not the one you are attacking) shoots you, like by I'm helping you win by clearing out a team so that in the long run you won't have too and you just shoot me? My brain will never understand such stupid actions. Gets me every time.
I have a serious pet peeve against kids who think they are better than everyone else on factions because they have been on that server long enough to build wealth. This really annoys me.