How old are you? I am 12 years old. Your in-game name: ZaturnZXT What timezone are you in? I'm in the eastern part of the United States. (I live in North Carolina) What country do you live in? United States What languages do you speak? Korean and English Why do you think you should become a mod? I try to do what is best for all the players so they can have fun. I make sure I am doing the right things. I do what it takes to make everyone in the server to be happy. How long can you be active on the server everyday? About an hour everyday. How long have you been playing Mineverse? About 5 months. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I have been promoted as moderators and admins on other servers.
A bit more detail in why you think you should become mod and the time you can be active like the exact time. Overall pretty nice mod app. Good luck :p
You really need a lot more information than this. Also you were promoted on which servers? You have to be way more active and 1 hour isn't enough. Sorry, but no support.
C'mon! You can do a lot better than write 3 sentences, you'll need at least a paragraph to get chosen.
You will only get chosen if the staff trust you :3 But yea, more information wouldn't hurt. Good luck