How old are you: 13 years old My In-Game name: Romarcadette What timezone am I in: Eastern What Country I live in: America (New York) USA What Gender Am I: Male What language do I Speak: English, Spanish, Italian Why do I think should be a Mod: Sloving I am very helpful and I help solve arguements. Also I am very friendly to others and it is kind of hard for me to snap on others. Also if someone tells me a report I will try my best to fix it. If I spot people that help me alot when i deal with problem I will give them a reward and say thank you Spotting Hackers I have lots of experience and spot hackers easily I will do my BEST to make sure the server will be a fun experience for new people and hack free. Everyday I catch hackers but I am not able to ban or kick them or even report them to online Mods How long can I be active: 6-8 Hours on a day except Saturdays. I am on every day in general. My Friends know that How long Have I been playing mineverse: I have been playing Mineverse since March: Playing for 9 Months Do i have Past Experience as a Mod: I have lots of past experience as a mod even as an admin and Owner owner of ( not for the public) Mod of Minevival Admin of mod for fact about me I have been on mineverse for the longest since when Nickflip, DrUncooth and Mattewcraft were noobs. THX PLZ SUPPORT!:D