EliVdd's mod app How old are you? I am 13 years old Your ingame username: EliVdd What country do you live in? Belgium What languages do you speak? my background language is Dutch but i also speak Englisch, French and a little bit German Why do you think you should become a mod? I think that i should become a mod because: When im online most of the moderators are offline or sleeping. There are not much moderators that are on the server. I could help the new people to get to know the server better and guide them around. Im friendly to everyone, i never grief, and I like to help people with their problems such as griefers spammers cursing, etc... Im new on the forums but Most people know me in-game. I have lots of idea's to Make the server better and i could advertise the sever at all time (via skype, email, school, friends, etc...) and if you ever have questions about the server you could ask them to me. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Monday: 4pm-10pm Tuesday: 4pm-10pm Wednesday: 1pm-10pm Thursday: 4-10pm Friday: 4pm-12pm Saturday: 8am-12pm sunday: 8am-10pm and on vacation all day: 8am-12pm How long have you been playing Mineverse? About 9 months Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No not yet, but i can learn it. if you ever have some questions just post them down below.
No problemo! Anything for a friend.. FYI, if you do become a mod, I suggest changing your skin to a boy.. ;-;
I'll find it. Don't advertise it in other people application, and make sure you don't advertise it in the chat. It'll lower your chances.
Edit: No Support, you Dident say enough why Would you want to be a Moderator. Like @Skydiver27 and @ObsessedToPlay Said