Your intentions seem good and it genuinely seems like you want to help the server. I do however feel like you are too young to have the responsibility of moderating a server, but that's just my opinion.
I understand & Respect your opinion. I do feel like I am ready. This is only your opinion. It is 100% ok.
Neutral a bit young but I recommend throwing in some Arabic sentences in there just to have some backup.
Neutral. I feel like your attitude has changed for the worst. You went from friendly and patient to crazy and impatient. Good luck.
I did realize that! I thought about before I go really crazy, I will watch what I will say. Thank you for giving me this tip! Also can you like just keep me updated if I am getting better with my attitude? What I will do is I will go through all the rude, and negative comments that I posted, and will delete, or edit them. - One question. Those Negatives you quoted on my app not to long ago that there were some issues. Has any of them improved? Thanks!