I only want to use 1.7.10 for mods ex: twilight Forest and Atum However when i load up the mod my Game crashes everytime unmodded to
For those of you who think he is talking about joining Mineverse in 1.7.10, he means when he hits "Play" it crashes.
I don't use those mods and I'm not an expert on mods, but it could simply be that they are outdated or something
This is all in Singleplayer Yeah i press PLAY it works see i have 6 mods loaded Start a World it then says "Shutting Down Internal Server" and I'm looking at the crashScreen.
The issue is that either all of your mods aren't updated or it has something to do with having the incorrect mods in the forge folder. Hope this helps
@NoMoreSanity i just think that it is that 1.9 came out and 1.7.10 was considered Beta that it is no longer supported
Check each individual mod for updates on the main websites of each mod and update your forge to the latest one. That should be the solution ;)
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