I've seen you a couple of times on but not much. I hope we can ... see each other and get along "better" in the future
I remember you, had to name mc you to know who you are.. You're really nice and fun but I don't really see you much in game :P Keep it up !
I remember we used to be really good friends but then stuff happened. Hopefully we can go back in time and re-visit the good days we used to have. You're a really cool guy to be around
I've seen you a couple times on kitpvp, You're funny at points... but annoying at some points to (no jk). Over all.. Very great person Keep it up I've also seen you on kitpvp and I believe you would make a great moderator, Good Luck! You're helpful, nice, and at points make some people laugh
Honestly, I have no Idea who you are, I may have seen you but have not really recognized you I guess.. I hope we can get along in game and on the forums I've seen you a couple times in game but we aren't the best teammates... Hopefully we can change that in the future and become um better teammates Ok, So zPinger, You have been one of my first teammates when I joined mineverse, you still are You hook me up with the best things anyone can ask for I hope we will continue to be friends for a very long time ILY!!! <3 Not quite sure who you are, hopefully we will get to see each other later in the future Janice, You're a great moderator!!! I hated you when you first got moderator but then you improved your skill so then you became one of my favorite moderators Keep it up! Sorry!!! Don't know who you are :( We should like play some kitpvp later if you want to You've been a great teammate to me, got my accounts banned but let's get over that. We often have these fights and I hope that would never happen again, keep continuing to be a great teammate. And. Stop getting my accounts banned :(