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  • [Server] Ranks

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Sora Draco, Mar 31, 2016.

    1. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
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      No support. The reason people buy ranks is so they can have the perks. They paid for perks already set and they knew what they were buying, therefore it would be wrong to level the field more. I mean, yes it can be annoying, but it would be wrong to change what they paid for, seeing as they paid so much.
    2. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      I agree here, you can still get all of the good picks from crates etc and also the best picks are not even donor ones. Yes Titan armour is better than god but really this shouldnt be too big of a deal as it can be bought from other players and there is a steady supply of it.

      I disagree with the p2w bit here, but agree with the All it takes is to be known and have a team. All you get is p4, you dont get an axe and the crate armour is just as good if not better. All it does is give you easier access to ok/good armour.

      Ok so I agree with your point about the downside is you cant create your own armour and if you have a second armour kit you kind of have an edge over your opponent however it just means that you will need to stockpile and save some of the armour you get from slaying enemies. Maybe reduce the timer on the basic kit to 5 minutes or something? idk. Finally I agree with your point about s20-30.

      You cant craft armour in kitpvp unless you have diamonds or iron or something (EDIT : Now I understand what you mean)? It is kind of p2w however so I must agree with you on that however as you said yourself the best gear isnt just handed to donors this still have to manipulate it to make it the best which is something anyone can do. If donor kits were removed then what would be the point of being a donor?
      Your last point is almost a communist view XD if all players are not equal some get picked on and if all players were equal then this would stop, this isnt true. If I had a team of 5 people in full p4 unbr 3 dps 3 with sharp 5's that we had crafted (which would take a fair amount of time) Then how can anyone beat us and if they tried to they would likely lose their gear which took them ages to make. The fact we have donor gear means that the price of fairly good gear (kit titan) is low which means that with a little bit of playing everyone can get good gear cheaply.

      Survival is a mess.

      However I still come back to the point about the armour that becasue there is a good supply of it more people can get and afford it and this is beneficial to non donors. Your point about /god though ... Yeh thats pretty OP.

      Ok there is nothing stopping them just teleporting to your plot so they dont actually NEED to teleport to you. Also you can just block everyone from your plot and/or toggle the ability to teleport to you. If people use/me to evade mutes or break the rules then they will still get banned, that doesnt change, donors dont get a get out of jail free card as you already know.

      So it would basically become free for all skywars? ... no. The server is infection not skywars, if people wanted to play skywars they would go to skywars not infection.

      If you remove the benefits of being a donor then why will people want to be a donor? They wont.

      Overall No support.
    3. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      No support.
    4. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Only thing they should keep in the kits on survival is the 10 warps thing, and they should get extra claim blocks.
    5. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Neutral, sorry. Some of this seems too OP. :/
    6. TreeTopPanda_

      TreeTopPanda_ Active Member

      Jun 10, 2014
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      Not sure how I feel about this. I agree with you, non donors are going to have a lot more trouble competing against high ranked donors. But the reason I payed 250$ for my rank is to get this "op" kit and as a Titan, I would prefer keeping the /kit the way it is even if it is too op for the players who don't wish to pay a small fortune for an In-game rank;P
    7. KingHootII

      KingHootII Active Member

      Mar 28, 2016
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      No support.
    8. Alan

      Alan Experienced Member

      Jan 19, 2015
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      No support.
      They're supposed to do that. Besides, god requires you to pay 100$, and titan requires you to pay 250$. I'd say that's fair.
      OP Prison-People have access to these kits through sellers, who are donors themselves.
      • OP PvP-Titans can be killed with skill and another Sharp 30. Another Sharp 30 can either be bought or, if you're lucky, you can find someone with a Sharp 30 lagging very hard, and you can take the opportunity to kill them.
      • Normal Prison-It's actually very easy to get maxed enchants there. Trust me, I tried it myself. As if that's not enough, pretty much all donor tools are buyable for 5k, and a full set for 20k. For B-Prisoners, this is very easy to get. For C and D Prisoners, a few days of voting would let them buy it.
      • Normal PvP (Kit PvP)-It's easy to get p4 and OP Weapons there, as well. You're given levels there for everyday you vote, so a week or so would give you enough levels to enchant a p4 set. Donor gear is also buyable there.
      • General MV-All donor gear is buyable for a decent price.
      • Survival-Only Titans have /enchant, and nobody except staff has /god. I don't see any basis for the statement, "they don't even need cash".
      • Creative-You can deny them from your plot, which seems to be a sufficient solution. We indeed do have a command cooldown, and colored chat doesn't really grant any special privileges over other players. It's literally just colored text. Why shouldn't they have that ability?
      Example of command cooldown, straight outta my screen. (I have god if you didn't know)
      We do have much better gear compared to non-donors, but we're not almost impossible to kill. 20 Hits are more than enough to kill a god, so I'd say 30 hits would be more than enough for a titan. While that sounds like a lot, 20 or 30 hits is delivered in no time at all if the donor is being chased by a large mob of zombies, which is often the case for careless donors.
      These are expensive ranks, so I think all the perks we get for the ranks are worth it. They can also be won against in a competition. Although we have these perks, we're not impossible to kill. Non-donors can easily buy donor items and compete against us successfully.
      The ranks should be kept available for people who want to support MV, and the perks should be kept to sufficiently reward those people.
    9. Sora Draco

      Sora Draco Active Member

      Mar 31, 2016
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      I think a lot of people don't realize what exactly more money gets you on OP and normal Prison. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen rank Z people bid too much money for something that a lower rank person kind of needs just to troll. something like an Alpha pickaxe.
      Titans have /god. and titans can buy basic diamond stuff, use /enchant, and make a huge profit out of it. lets not forget they have they can l make the best gear in the game by far
      Keep in mind stranded gear can get a person killed in 15 hits or so IF they are lucky and have time to regenerate witch is rare

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