How old are you? 20 years old Your in-game name: LunchBoxEmptier What timezone are you in? Central Time Zone What country do you live in? United States of America What languages do you speak? English and Spanish Why do you think you should become a mod? Well, I think that I should be a mod because I feel that there are never enough staff members online when needed. When I do play on Mineverse, I am on for 6+ hours 4 days a week at minimum, and in the past 2 months I have only seen 1 or 2 mods online. I see profanity left and right, I see people using hacks here and there and I see plenty of arguments. I feel with my dedication, I can assist in answering questions, resolve in game arguments, apply the correct punishments for rule violations and overall maintain a good vibe of the server. I will listen to each player when they come to me with questions, listen to their side of the story if there is an argument and hear out a player if they feel like they have been wrongly accused of violating the rules. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Monday - 4 to 5 hours Tuesday - 4 to 5 hours Wednesday - 8 to 12 hours Thursday - 8 to 12 hours Friday - 4 to 5 hours Saturday - 4 to 5 hours Sunday - 4 to 5 hours How long have you been playing Mineverse? Well I think I joined about 6+ months back, but that was playing once a week or so. In the past 2 months, I have been active almost everyday. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes. I have helped in moderating a few servers in the past. Unfortunately they had to shut the servers down due to financial problems. How helpful is this player? Whenever a player has a question or concern, I try my best to answer his or her question. When I see player auctioning off items named as something else, i.e. renaming a 'Dirt' block to 'Diamond', I warn all the players in the chat to not auction. I feel that I can be extremely helpful to not only the in game aspect of Mineverse, but also the web side. I am also a Web Developer. I can assist in anything, if anything, is ever needed in that area. I can be on the forums daily as well as being in game. How active is this player? Well as I stated earlier, I do try and play everyday for as long as I can. If I do become a moderator, that is just more incentive to be on more often I am not currently active on the forums, but that can easily change. Is this player mature? I am very mature but also not too uptight. As I stated above, I will respectfully listen to both sides of a story if there is a dispute. I will not use profanity or harsh words nor will I tolerate this behavior. What's the players background? I may have a few in game CAPS warnings because one of my friends name is all capitalized. Other than that, I have never been banned for any kind of infraction or received any official warning from a staff member. How experienced is this player? I would consider myself as very experienced. In general, I work in retail and work with customers everyday so I have learned to have a lot of patience with people and know how to handle problems. In the world of Minecraft, I would say since I have been playing since 1.3, I'm fairly experienced ;) I feel that I will be a great addition to the Mineverse staff and appreciate you time and conisderation. Thank you, Isaiah Schultz (aka LunchBoxEmptier)
70% support- haven't seen you in game yet. If I do, show me you live up to this application and it'll be 100% in no time
Support. You seem like a person who knows everything there is too being a mod. And I will be proud to welcome you to the team if you get chosen.
Thank the Nubs! A guy who is actually 20 and put effort into his app! The only thing I can think of, is maybe spend some time with us on the forums :P Shapport.
Support! I've seen you in game, you basically check out in everything. You just need to get acquainted with the forums more and I do agree that there is a lack amount of staffs compared to Crew's other servers. Goodluck.