Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Scorv, Mar 30, 2016.
What's your favourite brand/flavour?
Tree Sap.
Eclipse peppermint because it makes my breath smell clean :D
Nevermind,it's Gun.
I like this one
That's a novelty flavour and its good too :p
Eh.Always hated 5 gum,because if you chew it for too long it turns into something...Different.
This is so true... Extra or Trident gum's good for me.
I like the sour patch kids and Starburst gum
I don't use gum, but when I do I use Extra watermelon flavour
I prefer tic tacs now but I used to chew Hubba Bubba when I was younger and then moved onto Five Gum
Hubba Bubba is good, but it isn't really for good breath, just candy
I mentos ay wrigley's extra but this is way better
^ That's what I have
eh. I don't mind as long as its minty or watermelon! :P
My favorite flavor is Ghost Pepper Gumballs.
This guy named SourPatchSpartan likes the same..