I don't know who recorded me, and yes you can still appeal. Thank you. Haha thanks. Thanks but I wasn't given proof, but I'm sure there is.
Wait why can't you fly around as a Moderator? Is it excusable if your trying to catch hackers? I was inspired by CreepersEdge to start doing what he does and catch hackers if I were to become Mod, however reading your post kind of makes me feel like that stuff isn't welcome :P.
Thanks. Good. You can fly around and look for hackers. BTW I've seen creepers edge factions :p Thank you!
Don't worry about it Everyone makes mistakes, including me. You were a wonderful Moderator and hope to see you in the future as a Staff Member!! You have a wonderful day :D
I forgot to post here, so here goes. You were not only a great Moderator, but were, and still are, an amazing friend. I found you incredibly friendly from the first time we met and still to this day. You always were there to help me when possible, and were overall a great person to talk to. Of course, you are still my friend, one of my best. I appreciate you as an amazing Moderator, and an excellent friend.
Ok good, hopefully you become mod again, and why would you get demoted for raiding? Isn't that the main point of factions?