Neutral, Your app was Amazing, but there where the few mistakes you have made. And, like other people have said, I have seen you be rude in game, just a few times. Best of Luck!
I respect your opinions, I was a little rude in-game after getting demoted but that's about all, sorry.
You have a small error to the reason. In your "Why You Think You Should Be a Mod" first paragraph it says addiction I think it is addition unless I am wrong. But you have helped me understand more about what bans were correct and which ones didn't apply. Even though you got demoted I still think everyone should have a chance to be forgiven. Good Luck!
Support! As long as you have learned from your mistakes and are willing to change I think you would be a great mod! Good luck!
Lol yes! The ninjas always know whats jk but I do think you could be a great mod, especially since you know what you did wrong and will probably learn from it!
Gonna be neutral on this, but why does everyone use those cliche designs, hoped more people would be unique.
Yep, thanks! I hope you didn't neutral just because I no supported you because that wouldn't be too mature, if that's not the case I'm sorry for mentioning that! I feel like a design shouldn't matter as I worked really hard on this application, very hard. If you're the good candidate for mod is what it matters.
It wasn't because of the no support on my application, I don't hold grudges and to be honest it's no hard feelings.
Neutral. I know it doesn't matter with Skype stuff, but whenever me and @NoMoreSanity Skype you, you are very rude and that doesn't show maturity. Neutral for now, I respected you as a mod because you were active and doing reports.
Despite you being my friend I guess you can't take @NoMoreSanity and I joking around with you. Thanks for your feed back.
It's not the reason at all, I dislike them because I see them and don't like them. You disliked my report + a post that didn't even deserve a dislike. Thanks for your feedback.