Recently I was banned on kit pvp for "leaking personal information". So basically I was banned for so called leaking SourPatchSpartan's Skype. In the report SourPatchSpartan showed no valid proof that he owned the account of what I said ( I can't say what I said ) Either way I still got banned. So what I'm getting from this is that someone could say "yoloswag123" and I could report them for leaking my Skype? Personally I find this rule is really stupid Now that most of your are going to go read the report could you please not bash on @MissMisconceived she was simply doing her job. Anyone I catch giving her a hard time about this I will block :P I just wanted to hear all your suggestions on this rule I guess. *This is in no way a ban appeal*
I kind of agree with this, I'd say in order for the player that leaked to be banned the player that is offended should provide evidence it is in fact them.
a haha hahahahahahahahaahhAHAHAHAHAHAHhHHHHahahHaahahahahAHAHAHAHhHhahh Stab me with a spoon and call me joseph Stallin. I tried to get this rule removed so many times before, its so ridiculously vague it makes me cry. Gl fam.
No evidence or anything? Man that is just hard, but I kind of agree here with the better banning system.
@Reforming They came out with an Ip Checking system and banned 2 of my friends accounts for "ban evading" lmao they think Ive been ban evading